Chapter 15

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My eyes open and the light I expect to flood my vision never comes. Instead my pupils quickly adjust, and I'm starring up at the blue sky peeking between trees. I jump to my feet, feeling like a sudden danger is near, turning round and round. 

Nothing happens. 

I'm surounded by the forest, and I wonder if everything was a dream. If in some messed up way, I imagined everything. My side suddenly hurts and I double over, groaning. I lift up the corner of my shirt, seeing the splotchy, red infection growing over my hip. 

So not a dream. 

"The pain goes away after a while." Someone says, calmly walking out of the bushes. 

"Dec." I say. 


"You do not get to call me that! How could you? Just watch them do that to children and then spy for them?" I spit.

"I seek answers for the fencers, I seek answers for the officals, but I SPY only for myself, I only hold my loyalities to myself." He explains. 

"You double-cross them." It comes out a statement rather than a question. 

"I double-cross everyone, word of advice-" 

I shrug, not caring much if he continues cause my brains already racing a mile a minute. 

"Never trust me with your life." 

"Noted. So where's the house under the trees?" I ask

He points at the ground. 

"So the officals already know where the hide out is."

"No, I found it about a kilometer outside the fence, brought you here." 

"Oh.." Is all I make out. 

"Yeah, thanks so much Dec for not leaving me for the croc's!" Dec replies with fake enthusiasm and a high pitch voice. 

"Right, whatever." I mutter, getting off my behind and walkiing to one of the trees, trying to find the lever that reveals the hidden staircase. 

Eventually my fingers curl arounnd the false branch, slidding the stairs open as me and Dec desend down them. 


The fencers have continued making plans for the rebelion, holding the secret to a small group that I'm not appart of. When I explained this to the officals on one of my weekly calls, their reply was "Get in the group." So that's what I'm attempting to talk to Georgie about, who FYI, is in the group. 

"Look, I'm just the type of person that hates being in the dark, if somethings actually going to happen, I want to know." Not a lie. 

"Ok, I'll see what I can do, but normally  to get trusted you have to do something crazy, to our advantage." 


"Succsessfullly breaking into the fence and stealing something for us." 


I'm dressed in all black, my hair tucked into a hat. It's all set up, Marcus will hack into The Fence data base, broadcasting all screens to hit a popular soap opera filmed in Sector 7. I'll sneak in, will the help of a rope held by Dec and Jake. That'll be fun considering they equally hate each others guts. 

Anyways, I'm supposed to direct one tent of kids to the rope before climbing back up behind them, quick misson, get in, get out. 

The officals don't even know I'm doing it. 

Probably should tell them so the mission will be a success but I still need to know why my dad sent me here and The Officials cannot hold my loyalty.

Plus this is for them. And in the long run, me.

"So lets go steal some new fencers."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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