Chapter 5

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The copter left the crystal water and past murky water surrounding a island in the middle of the lake. We past crocodiles sunning themselves and now we're flying over tree tops. I see farther on a fence towers over the green tops and I gulp. THe rumors of this place aren't so good. Sector 30 is the most mysterious of all sectors. And for some reason, my gut tells me,

I don't want to go inside that fence.

I look down at the forest flying under me. I chew my lip, pulling my sleeping feet off the runner. They lightly brush the tops, but not enough to knock me off. I take a breath, in through my nose out through me mouth.

"1....2....3!" I let go of the runner entirely and the wind playing with my bottom of my tee.

In less then a second I'm crashing onto a tree. The bark and leaves leave my skin scabbed and itchy. I scramble down and take in my surrounding. A similar forest to the one in sector 15 encases me in shadows. I make sure my footsteps are light on the ground and I'm pretty sure I'm deaf in one ear. So I could be trampling around like a hippo and I wouldn't notice. I still have my backpack and surprisingly it's not soaked. I look around trying to find the direction of the fence. I hear steps and I whirl around, peering into the shadows.

Nothing there.

Something wraps around from behind and tightens a grip on my mouth, holding in my scream. I hear a smack and resounding pain pounds through my head. I crumple into something and my vision darkens.

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