Chapter 10

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I make it to the fence which is literally like 20 feet high. It's made of concrete for the first 7 feet up after its created from planks of wood. Meaning it'll be easy to get out by hard to get in. But I do what I always do in a time of uncertainty,

Climb a tree.

I pick a tall one, high above the 10 foot mark. Starting up, I make sure my hands stay clean of blood, so the tree isn't marked. I make it past the concrete and up to the wood planks. I could free climb it, but someone inside would see my hands griping the wood. I peel my hand off the trunk to go up higher when I notice the sticky sap covering every inch of my fingers. A wicked smile creeps over my face and I launch over to the fence. Like I thought they would, my hands stick.

Then I start my assent.


It doesn't take me long to reach the top of the fence. A large oak stands taller than the fence so I slowly lift my fingers from the wood and the sap slightly releases, allowing me to vault into the tree. Pieces of the hardened sap still hold to the beams but I shrug it off, working my way up to reach taller branches. I only need a few feet, enough to see 'inside' the concrete and wood prison where Jake is being held against his will.

"And I doubt he's the only one." I mumble.

But what I see completely shocks me.

No, they haven't brought back the elecctric chair.

But the rough housed men who chased us aren't beating the multitude of teenagers ether. All the kids are lined up in four perfect groups, guns in hand and stomping around in perfect sync.

Almost like the army.

I don't understand. They should be fighting back, refusing to be used as pawns.

But they're not.

My eyes search for Jake, not finding him in the sea of teenagers. Eventually I see him leaning against a door, scared but doing an amazing job of looking bored. It confuses me why he's just standing there until I remember what was said in the 'house under the forest'.

They'll give him one day off before starting training.

Huh. I wonder why that is.

The section of fence I'm situated in front up is hidden mostly behind a large 2 floor building I'm going to assume its some sort of 'bunker bedroom'.

I wipe the remanding sap on my pants before calculating the four-something feet jump and vaulting off the bark of the oak, clamping to the fence. I straddle the top, finally realizing I don't really have a plan of action.

"Forgot something?" Someone says beside me.

I glance into the oak I was just in, seeing Dec sitting in its branches, holding out a rope to me.

"How long?"

"40 feet."

"Tie it around the trunk." I order which he rolls his eyes to before tying.

He tosses me the rest of the twine, I flash him a smile and throw it over the side. Swinging my other leg over I disappear below the fence.


So hey guys please don't completely hate me for putting this on hold. I started this story in the middle of the day, seeing a lake by my house that has a small island in the center. I played up this story in my head, what was really on the island? I'd just read Divergent and THG too so I wanted the "cities" to have a name. Finally I decided on Sectors. the number 30 was a drop of the hat number my little sister gave me (@purple_dinosaurs) on the car ride. So i wrote the story and started posting the chapters, and then I also started other stories and lost interest in Sector 30 I didn't really have a plot for it ether and was kinda going off whatever came to mind.

But recently, I've picked a plot that I think is kinda different and fun and now I'm continuing Sector 30.

And I hope it won't go on hold again.

So I don't have a set day of the week in which I update, but I'll try to get out a new chapter every 1 to 2 weeks if possible.

Thanks guys.

Happy Reading!


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