Chapter 11

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A/N: Sorry last chapter was really short. So quick Question before this chapter,





Chapter 11

I look down at the trail the rope leaves, seeing a balcony at the bottom of the 2nd floor. Kinda funny considering it faces a wooden wall, but hey, whatever floats their sinking boat.

I near the balcony and grab hold of the splintered railing, pushing myself over the bar. I tie the rope on, shakily waking towards the door, careful not to make the old wood squeak.

Serious how long this been here?

I hesitantly twist the knob, testing it and it glides open silently. I let out a silent breath, pushing it open and stepping into the 2nd floor.

Sleeping bags line the ground, bras hang from drying lines and cloths fall halfway out of the dresser drawers. The mess looks like a guys room, but the undergarments obviously indicate girls.

I sigh, my hands on my hips, shaking my head at these girls, all the time thinking,

'Shame on you, tsk, tsk, tsk'

Yet I know my bedroom used to be WAY worse. Emphasis on the used to be.

I scurry my way over the empty sleeping bags, determined not to disturb anything while I'm here. I get to the door, creaking it open, seeing the empty hallway. I lead myself down it, coming to a staircase to the lower level. A hallway of dark wood greets me, doors lining it like windows. A menacing set of double doors sits at the end of the hall and I instantly know out there is Jake, along with all the other mindless soldiers probably sent to kill.

The doors are thrown open, making me duck behind the stairs. The pounding of synchronized footsteps, one voice commanding them all to follow. I peek between the planks of the wooden stairs, seeing all the kids stomping to a door behind me somewhere. At the end of the line is Jake, trying hard to look brainless and match his steps with everyone else's. As he walks by my dark clove I pounce out, grabbing his arm and shoving him in the shadows.

The guard leading the line looks down the hall, his eyes scanning the walls before nodding and closing the door behind him.

I remove my hand from Jake's mouth, when did I put that there, and pull his out, making our way to the staircase.

We shuffled up them quietly, Jake's eyes burning holes in my face from all the starring he's doing at me. I push him through the door to the girls 'dorm', shutting the door behind us.

"What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in the clearing, or continuing the fight for survival, not laying yourself right in front of them!" Jake hisses.

"Nice to see you too." I mutter, ignoring his questions and opening the door to the balcony.


"Shut up and climb the rope!" I say, gesturing to it, tied to the railing.

He sighs, grabbing it between his hands and starts up, using the fence for support. I wait till he's over the top before I untie the rope and start up.

I hear pounding footsteps and shots, finishing with a throbbing pain in my side that makes my pulse evident in my ears.

I groan, my hands slipping from the rope, I feel my body fall, landing hard on the ground. Something warm and wet covers my hip, dripping down onto the dirt beneath me.

I stare up at the blinding sun and Jake, wishing I could motion him to go and I'll catch up but I can't before my eyes roll back and my vision disappears.


A/N: Hey guys so I know this wasn't the longest chapter, but I figured if I made them shorter I could get more out quicker.

Did that makes sense?





So please give me your thoughts on the story so far and comment and vote!

Hope you like the story so far candies.


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