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I made my way to the address Michael had sent to me and began to grow very nervous. What if they think I'm gross and want someone better. What if i suck. What if i can't think of anything. What if they don't like me.

Within a short few minutes I'm pulling into the driveway of a huge house. I really hope they like me. I take a deep breathe, check my long wavy hair and step out of my car. I take one last deep breathe as I approach the door and press the door bell.

Within seconds i am greeted by a very energetic Michael.

"KATELYNN!! Thank god. Can i call you Katie? Im calling you Katie. Come on lets go we need your help" Michael yells grabbing me by my arm and almost dragging me into the house into their living room.

The rest of the guys are scattered throughout the living room. Ashton laying on the floor, Calum on a reclining chair and Luke on one of the two couches. Michael takes a seat next to Luke so i find myself a seat alone on the other couch.

"Okay so we have absolutely nothing at all and we need this by tomorrow night. Lets get working" Ashton says standing up and taking a seat next to me.

"Okay. I'll try not to let you down" I laugh as i pull my notebook out of my bag.

We go over all of their possible idea and mine as well. I show them some of my already written pieces and we finally, after four hours come up with a song.

"Well i guess i'll be going then since you have your song" I smile and stand up.

"No please, hangout with us for a bit. It's the least we can do you helped us a lot" Ashton says grabbing my wrist.

"As long as you guys don't mind."

"Of course not. Make yourself at home. I'll go grab some snacks" Ashton giggle and runs off to what i'm assuming is the kitchen. Shortly Calum and Michael follow him but Luke stays seated.

We sit there in silence for a few seconds until i catch him looking at me and can feel my cheeks start to heat up.

"Don't talk much do you?" I ask.

"Not usually around new people. I get too nervous. Especially girls." He laughs "I'm always afraid i'll say the wrong thing." He says looking down at his feet.

"Trust me I completely understand" I smile trying to make him more comfortable "The whole drive over here i was worried you guys would hate me or think i suck"

"You don't suck" He laughs.

"Good to know" I smile back. Something about his smile makes me get lost in his bright blue eyes. The way his dimples form and his perfect white teeth shine. Something just gets me. When i feel him catch me starring i look away in embarrassment.

"Alright time for popcorn and video games. You two better not have had sex on these couches while we were gone" Calum yells as him and the others come back into the room. Luke and I just look at each other and laugh.

"If you are having sex then make room for me"
Michael laughs taking a handful of popcorn and plopping it into his mouth.

"No thanks" Luke giggles

"And what about those nudes you offered me Michael?" I tease and everyone just laughs and looks at us with a confused look.

"I might have offered my nudes in exchange for her songwriting help" Michael laughs.


Im so bad at coming up with good ideas for filler chapters. Ugh.

(Updated april 2019)

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