Classes and Cafés.

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At the beginning of the class, everyone picked a seat. Of course, I chose the far corner in the very back, right by the window. Where I belonged. At least it's where I thought I belonged, until Mark came bee-bopping his way back to the seat he chose.

Which just happened to be right beside mine.

I tried my best to keep calm as I stared down into my notebook and wrote down random drum beats I haven't worked on in awhile, not even paying attention to the first day rules and regulations that every teacher was supposed to read about to each and every class they had. Boring. You'd think we'd have enough common sense to remember, but I guess not.

I wasn't sitting through that bullshit seven times today, so I wrote in my music book. I wrote down drum beats: Paradiddles, beat blasts (the ones I never really learned how to do), stroke rolls, everything.

I could simply ignore the lectures by writing down everything I used to be so good at and hiding the earbud that I secretly had in. However, I could not ignore the glances and slight stares coming from Mark. It seemed as if he wanted to strike up a conversation, and he almost did a few times. However, he shrank back each time. Which was perfectly fine by me. He never talked, but the glancing and staring continued. Every time I felt his eyes burn into the side of my head, I gritted my teeth and prayed that I wouldn't snap on him within the next thirty minutes of class. I pretended he didn't bother me. I pretended to ignore, even if I wanted to explode.

I was happy when the bell finally rang. I picked up my books and hauled ass out of there. I thought I was home free on day one; at least until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hello, Jack." I heard a voice growl in my ear. I knew it was Kellin. I wanted to ignore him just like I ignored everyone else who opened their mouth to speak to me, but I turned around anyway. His pale skin and green eyes stood out against his black hair, a smirk playing his features. Smug. That's all he was. Smug. Anger flared in me just to see his face. I kept a burning rage in my eyes, a calm expression on my face.

"Quinn." I said, with a nod of my head.

"I bet you missed us, didn't you?" He taunted.

"Nah. I got better things to do than prance around with a bunch of you assholes on my tail. Thanks though." I said, speaking as if we were having a casual conversation. Kellin snarled at me, his canine teeth showing as he bared them and growled at me. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic attempts to intimidate me.

"Listen here, fag. Summer's over now. The time has come for you to accept the fact that you are alone in life. In the end, you will die out. Yet, I still have to give credit where credit is due. You'll probably go out like a champ. The time has come for you to learn who's really in command." He sneered.

"Yeah, and the time has come for you to climb to your ego and jump to your fucking IQ. However, I don't expect you to do that because it would be a form of suicide if you dared jump from a height like that one." I stated. His jaw went slack as he stared at me in astonishment. The bell rang just above my head, almost making me jump out of my skin.

"Sorry to interrupt this lovely reunion, but I gotta get to class guys." I said, jerking free from his grip and casually walking away, hearing a "Go To Hell!" Being thrown at me. That was bold of me, and I knew I'd be beaten to a pulp later. Not to mention the fact that I would probably get detention. No, I would get detention, without a doubt in my mind. Oh well.

I arrived at my next class and I nearly wanted to fling myself out the nearest window. Mark sat right in the back, farther from the widow this time- which I was silently thankful for- as I stopped at the doorway.

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