Family and Love

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-- Mark --

Once I woke up, I noticed first that I wasn't in my own room. This set my mind into a panic as I lay there and thought to myself. The next thing I noticed was that the bed wasn't empty, but I had my arms wrapped around someone and vice versa. I stayed entirely still. I fought to remember. Normally, I would be running around the unknown house, freaking out and wondering who I was with. Whose home I was in. I never wake up next to anyone. For a moment, I did panic. At least until I breathed deeply to calm myself. Rainwater and coffee was the scent I picked up on. I immediately relaxed as memories washed over me in waves.

I was with Jack. Last night was insane yet fantastic. Our first real date - quite exciting and fun, despite the police getting involved. Now that was scary, but Jack trooped through it like a champ with I, a lost puppy, on his heels.

I nuzzled into him, burying my face into his shoulder. I breathed deeper, smiling to myself as I recalled the events of last night (and the early hours of the morning). The hell that we raised was enough to last me a lifetime.

I looked past Jacks bare - oh, so irresistible - chest, seeing my clothes on the floor. I suddenly became self aware, just like anyone else would be. I was half naked in Jacks bed. Not to mention, he wasn't wearing a shirt. This only made me blush harder. However, I didn't want to wake him up, so I lay still. I pulled him closer to me and sighed happily. After a few moments, I felt him stir, drawing circles on my back with the tip of his finger.

"Good morning, baby boy." He says, continuing his motions. The nickname makes me giggle as his fingertips etch pictures into my tan flesh. I think he's drawing an eye on my back. I can't be sure, but that wasn't the only thing on my mind.

"Good morning, my Irish clover." I say. I could almost see him smile at the nickname.

A heartbeat or so passed before Jack loosened himself from my grip, sitting upright. I almost let out a pathetic whine as he stood up from the bed. The loss of touch made me feel empty - zombified almost - but having his presence in the same room filled the gap. Jack pulled on a shirt before looking at my clothes and then me.

"Want your clothes, Mark?" He asked. I thought for a moment before smiling up at him sleepily.

"No, but I want to wear some of yours." I told him.

A grin made its way to Jacks features, making his eyes glow with happiness. He walks his way to his dresser. He pried open the top drawer and tossed me a muscle shirt. Then, he opened another drawer, tossing me a pair of shorts. I lazily stood, grabbing the shirt. My face turned red as I saw Jack staring. I pulled the shirt over my head and grinned over at him, bringing a red tint to his cheeks as well. I slipped the shorts on and my eyes closed as I stood. I swayed back and forth lightly, sleepiness nipping at my body. My eyes didn't open as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I felt Jacks chin on my shoulder and his warm breath ghosting on my neck.

"You know how adorable you look, right?" Jack asked me. I hummed in question, shaking my head slightly.

"I don't know actually. No one has ever commented about me being adorable. I don't see, but somehow you manage to find a train wreck with a tangled mop adorable," I playfully mocked, "There is nothing adorable about this mess on my head and the sleep in my eyes." I gave a light chuckle. Jack just buried his head into my neck, peppering light kisses on my neck.

"I think you're perfect." He muttered. I hummed in satisfaction as he kissed my cheek. "Are you ready to go downstairs and get coffee?"

"Yeah. Sounds good to me." I said. He lets go of me completely, wrapping an arm around me and leading me out of his bedroom.

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