Blessing In Disguise

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I bolt down the hall as I desperately try to look for the nurses office. I'm cradling my unconscious friend in my arms, his green hair just beneath the stubble of my chin as I gently rest his head on my chest. Some kids whisper as I run by, looking at me with concern while I profusely ask people where the nurse is. I hated being new for this reason; the reason of I don't know here anything is and I have to ask everyone else. I look like a maniac, but I was in no mood to see something terribly wrong with him. If something were to be badly wrong, I wasn't in the mood to drive to the nearest hospital - which was out in the middle of east Jesus nowhere - and wait there through the night. I desperately searched for someone who would be willing to help someone in as much distress as myself.

Finally, a girl named Natasha walks up and says, "Mark, is it?" I nod and begin to ask her where the nurse is. She cuts me off, putting a finger over my lips to silence me. It was a simple move, one that was nothing more than calming and friendly. Even still, it didn't calm my anxiety and my nerves.

"Mark, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down and follow me." She states firmly. Her voice was angelic, and her golden hair fluttered down past her shoulders. Freckles specked her face and arms. Her eyes were a soft blue and her skin was pale. A thick Irish accent laced her words. A necklace with a cross hung at her collarbones. She was pretty, but I had no desire to be with her. I actually had no desire to be with any girl, now that I think about it. I hadn't had the desire to be with any girl since I had been born, though I had been in a few relationships with girls. I can't believe it didn't just now register that I wasn't one to be with a lady, no matter how lovely her looks or personality. I thought more about what I wanted in a love interest, at least until my mind took another path. A turn I wasn't expecting...

My mind suddenly snapped to the younger boy in my arms.

His faded green hair. His soft blue eyes. His pale and delicate skin. His innocent smile when he had not-so-innocent thoughts in his head. His smirk when he had a wonderful plan for just the two of us. His passion for life and everything around him. I loved all of these things. I loved literally every single thing about him. I can't tell him though. He probably isn't even gay. He'll never love me the way I love him. He'll never want to hold me the way I want him to. He'll never even look at me the way I look at him. I pause to reflect on my thoughts before my eyes went wide for a moment.

Holy shit. Maybe I am gay...

I shook my head, not as to scold myself like normal, but this time, to clear my head. I decided not to worry about it further until Jack was alright. He was my main priority right now. All that I cared for.

She led me straight to the nurses office and gave me a warm smile. As I walked past her, I heard her mutter under her breath a few words that made a deep blush rise to my face and neck: "you guys would be so cute together". I thought most people were close minded, not open to the idea of same sex relationships. The words warmed my cheeks and my heart as I bowed my head and ventured forward. The words replayed in my head still.

You guys would be so cute together.

I chose to ignore the statement as best as I possibly could, dashing into the nurses office. She looked up at me and immediately made me lay him on the couch. Her eyes were green and her hair was brown. Her uniform was black with purple lining. She leaned over his limp figure as she began to examine him.

"What happened?" She asked as she checked his temperature.

"Well, he got a splitting headache during class. Then, when class was over, he bolted from the room into the bathroom. I followed to make sure he was okay. He took one look at me and passed out." I explained.

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