Caution, You've Been Warned.

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I woke up early that morning. Staring at the ceiling and debating on wether or not to press the snooze button was a constant action. I had slept in my school clothes - something I often did on mornings where I woke up earlier than everyone else. I had planned to leave early and go get coffee, kind of wanting to talk to Mark about my offer that I had made the previous day. Yet, it would have to wait until I got him alone.

Standing up, I tiredly limped my way toward the bathroom door, sleep and muscles tight. I pushed open the wooden door and stepped onto the tile floor.  Flicking on the light of my bathroom, I gave a small hiss as the light blinded me.
Once I had fixed my own vision, I looked at myself in the mirror. Pale, blue eyes, and tired features. I ran my fingers through my hair. The green was starting to fade to a grayish-green color. I ran my hands through my hair, which I decided to compare to a faded clover field.

Then my mind wandered back to Mark.

I wasn't really worried to much about him. I just casually wanted to sit down and talk some more. Talk about our lives and maybe get to know one another for a little more than a green-haired rebellious teen and an clumsy, innocent, goody goody. We had to get to know each other past that point if he decided he wanted to live a more exciting life. With all the restrictions and fears he had, I kind of felt bad for the poor kid.

My idea is to lead him into trusting me. I know it sounds creepy, but it's what I've got. I low key force him to come along with me on a wild escapade and then I show him that he can trust me with his life. Of course, it won't be something that big at all, but he needs to know he could trust me. Besides, if you don't trust the men (or in our case, the man) you're working with, you're as good as dead. At least that's my perspective.

I silently slipped from my bathroom, putting on a pair of shoes. I snatched up my phone an headphones, gently wrapping the cord loosely around my neck. I made my way through the hall and down the stairs. I tiptoed past as to not wake anyone up. Silently, I creeped down the stairs and to the front hall.

I thought of endless ways to get Mark to trust me. I was almost obsessive as I thought to myself. Should I get is both detention and then escape, creeping into the town for a wild night of fun - courteous of my rebellious thinking - with added adventure in every turn? Or should I get into a huge fight, protect myself and Mark before comforting him after he witnessed something that shook him up so badly?  Or how about-

I snapped myself out of my thoughts when I knocked over the umbrella rack, making a loud racket that probably woke half the neighborhood. I held a flinch for a moment; my eyes squeezed shut and my hands went to my hair, gripping and pulling at the hair on my temples. I slowly opened one eye and then the other. Umbrellas scattered the hall floor and I gave a light groan.

"Shite!" I muttered to myself, picking up the umbrellas. One by one. Red. Blue. Yellow. Green. Finally, purple; the very last one. I even had to count to make sure that all the umbrellas were all there. I stood back up, rising to my full height as I stared down at the umbrellas for only a moment. Stared down at them as if to hold them in place with my eyes. Not a single one was missing.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled my leather jacket from the coat rack and picked up my skateboard. My hand slowly and gently turned the doorknob that separated me from the outside.

I slowly and quietly clicked it open and looked behind me to make sure I hadn't woke anyone up. Breathing another sigh of relief, I stepped out my front door and quietly shut it behind me. I stuffed a headphone into my ear as I deeply inhaled the heavy, humid air of the morning and stepped off my front porch.

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