Skinned Hands

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I eagerly burst down the school stairs and out the front door, eager to get home. I didn't feel like going much of anywhere this evening. All I wanted to do was kick off my shoes and lay in my warm bed. It was a welcoming isolation that I enjoyed more than I should; An island of springs in my mattress.

I jumped on the skateboard Jack had given me and began to ride home. The skateboard was a navy blue, covered in splotches of green duct tape. It was a knockoff brand, but that didn't bother me any. I still welcomed the old wheels all the same. As I drove down the road I continued to let my mind wander, not paying a bit of attention. What finally caught my attention was one of my accidental random gravity checks. I let out a frustrated moan as I scraped my hand, the hot pavement stinging my palms like fire.

"Damn it." I mutter quietly. Then I hear a voice over my shoulder that I wished I would never have to hear more than once a day.


"Hey, rookie." He says, a voice so friendly I knew it was fake. I cringed.

"How's it going? Having a good day?" He asked me.

I didn't do anything. I didn't move. I didn't tell him to fuck off. I couldn't even breathe.

"It's rude not to answer, Rookie." He told me.

"My day has been okay." I reply. My hands were shaking and I wanted to melt into the pavement and die. It wasn't possible.

"Been texting your boyfriend, Rookie?" A voice from behind him called. I saw Mike walk up to us. He towered over me, his tattoos lining every inch of his skin.

If I could have shrank back any more, I would've.

"He's not my boyfriend." I countered weakly, feeling rage bubble up inside me before I noticed my words. I kind of got sad. Those words just didn't feel natural when talking about Jack.

"Quiet." Kellin muttered before lowering towards me and grabbing my flip phone from my pocket. He smirked as he took a picture of me, laying on the ground with my skateboard behind me, eyes bugged out and my arms trying to shield my face from the image of me.

"Thanks for the lovely pose, Rookie." Mike grinned evilly at me as I fought back a cry of rage.

"Delete it." I said. I tried to make my voice come out rough and demanding; instead, it came out as a weak and desperate whimper.

"How about," Kellin pretended to think for a moment before he smirked down at me, "no." His voice dropped an octave.

"Please, give my phone back." I begged.

He ignored me, flipping open the phone and typing in a random number before Mikes phone went off. Mike opened his phone and smirked, showing me the picture of myself. I felt my heart drop every single moment that passed. It was a hopeless situation.

"Now, do you want your phone back, Rookie?" Mike sneered. I nodded and avoided eye contact.

"Give it back to him, Kells." Mike said. Kellin just grinned at Mike.

"With pleasure." He nodded, snapping my flip phone in half before handing it over to me. I stared down at the two little pieces in my hand. I felt my stomach lurch and turn wickedly.

"Take it easy, Rookie." Mike hissed, turning on heel and following Kellin away. I sighed.

That was my only form of communication with Jack outside of school. I wouldn't even think about sneaking out of my window without him there. I held the two pieces and forced myself not to cry. At least until I heard an Irish accent that made my head snap up.

"What happened?" Jack asked me as he crouched down beside me.

"Mike and Kellin snapped my phone." I stated. Jacks head snapped up from the pieces in my hand and all of a sudden, his eyes held a fire I never knew existed. I hadn't even seen this the day that Kellin threatened me in class.

"He fuckin' did what?" Jack hissed. His Irish accent came out thick now. I'm guessing that means he's really pissed off. He stood up and before I knew what was going on, I had yanked him back down by his sleeve.

"No. Just-" I paused and looked up at him with a stutter. I then stopped myself and sighed, staring into his blue eyes. The color soothed me as I breathed out a light plea.

"Take me home." I whimpered to him. He obliged as he grabbed my hand, picking up my skateboard as he pulled me to my feet.

"Yer alright." He told me as I sniffled lightly. I hadn't even noticed it slipped out until a tear fell from my eye. I swept it away as Jack draped his arm around me. I guess his protective instincts had kicked in.

I actually smiled as we walked in silence, our steps matching, our hearts beating at the same time. It was beautiful. The sun casted gold across my face and the sky was almost as blue as Jacks eyes. The sun warmed my soul as we walked.

I was okay.

"So, what are we going to do about talking to each other?" I finally broke the silence. Jack glanced at me before looking down at his shoes and sighing.

"I guess we talk at school and hang out after school eventually." Jack said. I sighed and nodded. It was better than talking over the phone.

"That'll do with me." I said. I secretly planned out a way to get another phone. We were broke, so I couldn't buy one. Yet, I would find my ways.

For Jack, I'd do anything.

Hey guys. Sorry this is a short one. I feel shitty because of that, but public wifi is awful and we're leaving wifi. So bye.

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