Video Game Buzz

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-- Mark --

It was two in the morning as Jack just slain one of the many colossi on Shadow of The Colossus. After hours of long, hard, excruciating work, he just beat the one hardest levels. My jaw dropped in surprise as he brought the giant down with what little life his character had left. With a whoop, he fist pumped the air and sat down his controller. He turned back and looked at me with triumph in his eyes as I sat back and watched him from the leather couch, my eyes bright with wonder. The TV illuminated his features, causing a silhouette-like look to him. He leaned toward the light switch and flipped it on. The smile on his face was contagious and I couldn't help but return it. He jumped up and grabbed a coke and a bag of chips for us, celebration in the air as he plopped beside me on the couch. He opened the chip bag with a slight pop and cracked a Dr. Pepper. All the glory in the world became evident on his features as he chugged the drink down. He crushed the can against his forehead (typical of him), his smile never wavering from his face.

"That was one of the hardest colossi I've ever had to tangle with. It took longer than expected, but I beat it!" He yelled happily. He grabbed another Dr. Pepper (I swear that boy drinks them like they're water) and cracked the tab once more. After downing some of the drink he passed the Dr. Pepper to me. I grasped it quickly and chugged some of the carbonated drink, eager to join the celebration with Jack. Once having enough of the dark liquid, I passed it back to Jack and began to ramble immediately.

"The way you were on the edge of death and then suddenly killed the colossi with one final blow, that was amazing!" I rambled out to Jack. I had respect for anyone who could play like that. Not to mention, Jack didn't take my bragging in a boastful manner; he just grinned happily like any other decent person would have done. He smiled happily and then seemed to settle as his grin became more thoughtful.

"You should try to beat one of the colossi, you know?" He told me.

I nearly choked as I looked over at him and my eyes grew the size of saucers. Me, the boy who had never even seen a gaming system in the flesh until now, trying to beat one of the colossi? No way. It would be catastrophic. I would bottom out and only make a fool of myself. Jack is a gaming god compared to me. I was the one who would probably just jab at random buttons and die within seconds. It would drive me absolutely insane trying to beat the levels he has already gone through and mastered. I have to give him so much respect for this win. I also have to shrink from my own inability to be just as agile and strategic with a controller in my hand.

"Did you hear me," he asked as he gently snapped in front of my face and pulled me away from the blank open space I stared into as he repeated, "you should try to beat one of the colossi. I'll teach you the moves and you'll do just fine."

"Jack, I've never had a gaming system before. I've never even seen one in the flesh until we stepped foot in here. I'll die within the first five seconds!" I told him. He smirked and before I could ask why he was smirking, a low chuckle escaped the back of his throat.

The chuckle turned into a laugh which was followed by, "It wouldn't surprise me if you died in the first few seconds. If you don't, I'd consider it a miracle." My heart almost dropped until he added, "Don't worry about it, even I died in the first few seconds on my first time playing a video game." This kind of made me feel better. This means that failing almost immediately was natural. Even a game god failed almost immediately on their first try. If anyone could see Jack with a controller, they would find the statement hard to believe. I hardly believed it, but Jack admitted to it. Now I had a little more confidence in myself. However, even with all the confidence in the world, I would never pick up that controller tonight.

"Well. Do you want me to teach you?" He asked.

I was stuck between embarrassment and the thought of us being closer. I bit my lip, looking down at the game station. I swear that this would be the hardest decision is ever have to make. I didn't want to make a fool of myself. I didn't want Jack to laugh at me. I didn't want to feel the embarrassment for this would defiantly lead to me making an absolute idiot of myself and crying in frustration; as much as I love Jack, I didn't want him to have to calm me down because I was on the verge of banging my head against a wall. My thoughts were jumbled as Jack looked at me expectantly. A few more moments of silence and Jack grew impatient.

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