Unforgetable Night (2)

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-- Jack --

Marks eyes go wide and he takes a step back.

"The principals office? Why are we going there?" He questions. Fear is evident on his face, and I have to push down the feeling in my chest that tells me to hug him.

"We're going to change my grades. Yours too if they need it. I deserve a few grades that I didn't get, so I'm going to cheat the system. It's simple, Mark. We get in, we flip the switch, and we get out." I tell him.

Fear and excitement once again flutter around in those dreamy brown cesspools of innocence and I have to smirk. I spin back around and continue to walk. I can hear him let out a weak breath and I chuckle to myself. There's a lot of things that I'm doing with Mark. He stays shocked by me because these are things he never imagined he would do in his entire life. That's why I'm here. I'm here to open his eyes and give him opportunities and experiences that he would have never had nor taken without me. I'm here to show him the area of his life where he can afford some risks. I'm here, not just to show him, but to be the area where he can afford to take risks.

"Isn't changing your grades illegal?" Mark asked me. I turned to face him.

"The first time we ever really talked, I told you something. Do you remember what it is?" I asked him, cocking an eyebrow. He thinned his lips and looked up in thought. He shook his head no after a moment and I sighed. "I told you that it's only illegal if you get caught."

Marks eyes widen and his jaw goes slack. He now realizes I was serious when I said that, and the thought makes me hold back a giggle.

"How are we even going to get in?" Mark asks me.

"You remember the key for the gym that I stole right?" I ask.

"Let me guess-"

"Correct. The same key that unlocks the gym unlocks every other main door in the school. The school uses the same locks for janitors closets, break rooms, gyms, principals office, and the main office. Every other lock for the classrooms are individual locks with their own keys. This is the reason we won't have to break and enter." I told Mark, smirking like an evil mastermind.

The whole time Mark stared at me, eyes bulged out as though my acts were unheard of. Believe me when I say that this wouldn't be the first major rule broken; it sure as hell won't be the last either. This isn't the first time a student took a master key to get into the office; therefore, as we stand outside the office, I feel no worry nor fear for what I am about to do. The only reason I'm not worried is because my conscious hasn't kicked in yet. I still had a good few minutes before I went into scurrying panic to leave the school office as I found it. Not allowing myself to hesitate ( for that would surely lead to worry and mistakes ), I open the office door and step inside. Mark follows close behind and we pass the main desk, stepping behind the counter and unlocking the principals room. I glance over my shoulder at Mark before slipping into the office. I sit in the principals chair, talking quietly to Mark as I power on the computer.

"Okay, listen to me. We have a total of five minutes before Mrs. Lisa realizes we're gone and comes looking for us. It will take me only thirty seconds to hack the system because the firewall sucks. It will take me a minute at the most to change our grades. This means we have two minutes and thirty seconds to shut down the computers and make a break for the nearest exit. The nearest exit is just down this hall to the right. I won't be able to pull you along so you'll have to keep up with me. You trip over your shoelaces, I'm leaving your ass." I warn Mark.

As I pass the schools firewall system, the look of surprise on his face keeps becoming more noticeable. Of course I was just bluffing about leaving him, but he'll be more determined if I act the part. I keep a straight face as I go to student profiles and pull up Marks grades. He's got an A in every class so far. I quickly check my grade averages and change them. All the while, Mark looks over my plan.

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