Chappy 1

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I went downstairs and headed out the door quickly, avoiding anyone who happened to be inside.

I walked out into the early February air, breathing in the slightly cold air.

It was around 9 (in the afternoon) PM and the occasional streetlights gave out an eerie vibe.

I walked for 30 minutes, soon entering Jacob Park. I sat alone on a swing, gazing at the sky.
I had no thoughts on my mind. It was blank. Just staring.

Eventually, I got bored and began to sing lightly while looking at my shoes.

"Dark as midnight, six pack Coors Light, you don't look the same. Past my bedtime, blue and red lights come take you away." I sang.

I stopped and flinched immediately when I heard the swing next to mine move.

I looked over, analyzing the person.

He had dark hair, dark brown eyes, and great lips.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"Oh, I'm Brendon. I heard you singing. I always come here to relax at night. It's peaceful. You're great at singing by the way."

"I'm Adeline." I said, looking back down at my feet.

"I'm serious. You're great at it." He reassured.

I shrugged, "I wasn't allowed to do anything at my house. When I moved in with my friend and his family I was too shy to practice in my room, so I never really sing. I think that was my first time singing."

"What was your old home like?" He asked.

"Neglect from my mother, abuse from my father." I shrugged.

"Oh. You seem like a great, strong person to me anyways. Almost like you could easily push through that."

"Anything but strong. I'm suicidal, depressed, I self-harm, I have anxiety, and what Josh called PTSD. I don't know what that is though." I ranted.

"Well, you're alive now. That's what really counts."

"Well no. I've tried to die but when I'm about to, Josh or Tyler invade my live. Now that Tyler's ditched us I just have to deal with Josh."

"Oh. I mean- I want to help you." He stated.

"No one can. I was broken, Tyler fixed me. Then he broke me, and again he fixed me. But then he shattered me. I can't be fixed again. I'm shattered. I'm only able to be replaced." I gave him the same speech I gave to Josh, hoping he'd leave me alone.

"I'm going to find a way fix a shattered beauty then, no matter the cost." He sounded as if he had won that mini-debate.

"If you can."

"I bet I can."

"I'll bet my life."

"How about 20 bucks instead?"

"Fine. 20 bucks. Even though if you can't fix me I'll be gone."

"Fight me."

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