Chappy 4

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I woke up the next day and heard the front door close. I assumed it was after school and that Brendon was home. I was feeling much better. It wasn't as traumatic as it looks like it is in movie and books. Most likely because I've been raped many times before.

I got up and walked downstairs, stretching my arms and plopping down on the couch in the living room.

"Oh you must be Adeline! Brendon told me you needed a place to stay and such." A man said from behind me.

"Oh hi. You're Mr. Urie?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm home for a week."

"Oh I've been wondering what you do since you're never here."

"I run a huge business and I'm always traveling."

"Oh nice. You have a really nice home by the way."

"Thank you. Brendon should be home soon, correct?" He asked.

"Yes. I go to his school I just haven't been uh- feeling well so I stayed home today."

"Oh, well you look fine to me." He began to be suspicious.

"If Brendon wants to, he can tell you, but I'm not comfortable with speaking about it." I stated.

"Alright. I'll ask him when he comes home."

At that moment, Brendon came in the front door, "Dad!" Brendon hugged Mr. Urie.

Brendon's P.O.V.

"Hey kiddo! I wanted to ask you why Adeline wasn't at school. She said you could tell me." He pulled me away to a separate room, his office.

"See she's bullied by almost the whole school and yesterday at lunch she was in the hallways and was pulled into an empty lab by two boys I know and was raped. She doesn't want to report them or the bullying will get worse, and the school or police might think she's lying." I explained.

He nodded, "Okay. It's not any of my business so I won't report it or anything."

"Yeah she doesn't need anything else on her plate." I sighed.

"Alright." He nodded and shooed me away from the home office.

I sighed and headed back to the living room. Adeline wasn't there anymore so I assumed she went upstairs again. I headed upstairs to check on her. I reached her room and knocked. After receiving no response, I walked in and looked around. She wasn't there.

Where the hell is she?

I looked over the see the bathroom door open.

I went in to find Addie in the bath and quickly turned around, "Woah sorry!"

She squealed behind me, "What are you doing?"

"You weren't in your room and I went to check in here and the door was open. Please forgive me."

"It's not like I haven't been seen before or whatever so I forgive you. No worries."

"I didn't see anything. I promise."

"It's fine. Now shoo!"

"Close the door next time!" I shut the door and walked downstairs again.
Soon enough, she walked downstairs in her pajamas with a curious look on her face.

"Hey." I said.

"I've got a few questions for ya." She said.


"What? What does that mean?" She asked, clearly confused.

"It means to tell me the questions. It's saying I'm ready for them I guess." I shrugged.

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