Chappy 11

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My alarm clock went off and I instantly shut it off. I had no sleep at all last night.

I got up and got dressed then put on some mascara and concealer under my eyes. I added some blush too because I looked pale.

I walked downstairs in my trusty long sleeves and walked right out the door. Brendon wouldn't care that I had to walk or that I wasn't eating, so it would be fine.

I walked to school and immediately entered the building, heading to my locker.

I grabbed all that I needed and headed to English. It kind of sucked that I had all my classes with Brendon, but I had all but one with Andy, so it was okay.

I sat down at my usual desk.

"Hey. How are you today?" Andy asked.

I forgot that he didn't know about Brendon.

"I'm fine. How are you?" I turned to him as he sat down.

"I'm good but you're not fine are you?"

I shook my head, "I'm most definitely not fine."

"Want to talk about it?" He looked concerned.

"I'd rather not. Let's just say I'm not too happy with a certain someone." My eyes looked towards Brendon's seat two rows in front of us.

"Oh." He nodded and stayed silent the rest of class.

When the bell rang Andy walked out first and I was about to follow when I got pulled away from him.

I turned around, "Let go of me."


"No. I need to talk to you."

"Only if you take your tainted hands off of me." I spat.

He sighed and let go of me, "Fine."

"Now you may talk. Though you have excuse for doing it in my bed."

"She wanted to go in that room, it's not my fault. But Tiffany got me horny so I left school with her and she dragged me into your room."

"That's no reason to ditch me when my raping uncle and abusive father are hiding from the police!" I yelled at him.

"I know! I fucked up. I'm sorry." He looked down.

"Bye, Urie. I'll see you later." I shook my head and walked towards my next class.

"Adeline." His voice cracked as he called for me.

I tear slipped down my cheek as I continued walking, not daring to look back.

He wasn't in any classes for the rest of the day.

I felt bad but tried to ignore it. I shouldn't give in easily. I texted Camden when I got home.

Me: Camdennnnnn can I come over? I need to talk to youuuuu

Den: Fiiiiiiine here's my address, (random address here)

Me: Ohh! You live really close to me. I'm coming now.

I quickly dashed to his house and got there in only 10 minutes.

I rang the doorbell and he answered almost instantly, "Line!!!"

"Den!!" I pulled him into a hug.

"Damn Cammy. Replaced your sister?" I heard a voice and looked over Camden's shoulder to see a girl with soft purple hair, a nose ring, and a piercing under her lip.

"Hi." I said, pulling away from Camden to look at the girl.

"Hey. I'm Quinnzel, Cammy's sister. You can call me Quinn." She nodded to me.

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