Chappy 12

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The rest of that week was fairly normal other than Brendon and Andy pressuring me, almost, to eat.

On Friday, I finally broke under it.

"Doll face, eat a little more. You barely ate anything." Andy said, sounding sickeningly sweet.

I scrunched my nose up, "I'm not hungry."

"C'mon. Just one more bite?" Brendon suggested.

"Okay, I don't know what the fuck is going on with you two, but I've had it. You're acting like I'm a two year old that won't eat their broccoli!" I massaged my temples in frustration.

"We just want you to eat more." Brendon said calmly.

"That's what this is." I laughed angrily, "I can't believe you two. Bye. I'm leaving."

I got up and walked out of the cafeteria and out the school doors.

I heard them running after me and I turned around, "WHAT!"

They stopped in front of me.

"We're sorry we're just concerned about you." Andy said.

"It seems like every fucking week you guys are angry at me, there's some weird drama, or I get really depressed, and I'm done! I'm so fucking done! Don't fucking talk to me, don't look at me in the hallways, don't glance my way during classes, don't sit next to me, and most of all get out of my business!" I yelled at them and ran off.

I called Camden, "Camden?"


"I just kicked Andy and Brendon out of my life."


"Everytime I'm with them, it's like there's always drama. I just want to be normal." I sobbed.

"Oh honey, no one's actually normal. Tiffany, your bully, picks her nose and eats it. I watched her do it. I'm bisexual. I act a little bit feminine. The list goes on honey!"

"Okay. I just can't stand the drama!"

"Well just ignore it and be rational."

"Thanks Camden."

Oh! Guess what?"

"What? Something with Billie?"

"Yep! We're a couple now!"

I squealed, "I'm so happy for you!"

"I have to go. Billie's taking me out for lunch and we're skipping."

"Alright. Have fun! Not too much fun though."

"Too late for that."


"Nothing! Bye!" He hung up the phone.

I started walking home again, since I had nothing to do.

I got home and laid in bed, "Dang. I never realized there was nothing to do without them."

"I noticed that too." I heard from the doorway.

I looked up and gasped, "Uncle Andy?"

He smirked, "Finally saying my name."

I shook my head, "Leave me alone."

"That's no way to talk to your uncle is it?" He asked, moving towards me.

I shook with fear.

"Is it?" He screamed in my face.

"No." I said at almost a whisper. Tears streamed down my face as I stared with wide eyes at my uncle.

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