Chappy 15

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I hadn't slept at all when they told me to rest. I stayed up and just wished I did it. I constantly wished I had killed myself.

"Do you-.... Do you still think I'm lying about everything?" I asked, lifting my head.

"I don't know. I think you wrote the notes to try to convince us and that you weren't going to act-"

I cut him off, "I wish I did it earlier. Didn't wait for the courage. Just cut deep and died. I've been wishing I was dead this whole time I've been lying here. I was going to. Ocean was screaming at me to do it, so was Him. I was gaining the courage to do it. I was convincing myself I wouldn't miss you. That I didn't like you. That you wouldn't miss me, which I know that part is the truth."

"I would miss you, actually. This just proves your selfish if you were going to kill yourself. You're just a selfish liar and I shouldn't miss you. I shouldn't like you like I like you." He got up and slammed the door behind him.

I started to cry lightly.

He yelled downstairs, "Someone else do it!"

Billie walked into the room and looked at me once before his face was filled with anger and he left the room.

"Hey." Camden knocked on the door and entered.

"Hi." I sniffled.

"This is why I hate Brendon. He's rude to you. Anyways, I'm here to watch you, also known as cracking jokes and showing you funny videos to cheer you up and make you forget about Brendon's bitchness." He smiled and plopped onto the bed next to me, pulling out his phone.

"Do you still think I'm lying?" I questioned.

"Nope." He said, popping the 'P' and scrolling through his phone.

I smiled, "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For believing me."

He turned to me with a smile, "If course I would, you're my best friend. Now look at this and let your problems disappear."

(Small time skip brought to you by
the g note)

Eventually, they let me leave my room and sit on the couch. Big whoop. They were treating me like a fragile child with cancer, and it was annoying.

"Can you guys stop treating me like a fragile child that's about to die from cancer?" I snapped.

"What?" Andy raised an eyebrow.

"You guys are babying me which is making me feel worse. I get it, I'm a freak, but can you please treat me normally?"

"You're not a freak." Camden piped up.

"Yeah yeah. But treat me normally, please."

They nodded and mumbled a chorus of yes's.

I smiled and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a jar of Nutella and a spoon before returning to my seat in the living room.

Brendon looked happy that I was eating for a few seconds but it turned into its scowl from earlier when I angered him.

I frowned but quickly masked it and turned to the tv. Years of practice and I could finally wipe an expression off of my face in one second.

I finished that whole jar of Nutella, in case you're wondering. I don't know why. It was like I had two stomachs or something.

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