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You make me hurt you make me cry you make me feel like I am nothing....but I still love you... but when do I start loving myself?

I wake up my vision blurred for a second but goes back to normal.

"Where you going?" I ask frowning my face

" I uh have to go back home."Party says pulling his pants up


"You know Jessica is probably gonna worry about me?"

"I thought you and her broke up?" I ask confused.

"Yeah we did but she still lives with me."

" Then why would she worry if y'all broke up?"

"You know how y'all females are sometimes." When he is done getting all his stuff together he leans into give me a kiss.

" When did I become one of the hoes that you fuck whenever you're tired of your girlfriend." I whisper into his ear as if it's a secret.

"Kay stop acting like that, you know you not like my other hoes." He says putting on his jacket and leave.

I sit on my bed pensive "Did he just call me one of his hoes?" I ask myself.

I can't believe I let this fuck ass nigga hit again. I dont know if I think that he's going to turn around and make me wifey again like why get my hopes up if you got a "girl"?I'm so pathetic.


"Kehlani are you good?" Noodles says trying to snap me out of my thoughts about Jahron.

"Yea I'm fine." I say.

" Well you're acting weird." She says as Jasmine walks into the room followed by Queen.

"Hey hoes." Jazmine says.

"Hey." Queen says flashing her innocent smile . She come over near me and leans on the counter. I could see the faded passion marks I'd left on her neck and chest.

"Oh Queen did you know that Bryson is planning a surprise date for you." Noodles says I roll my eyes not caring about the situation.

"Well it's not a surprise now noodles." I say

"Oh I guess I wasn't supposed to tell."

"It's fine I'll just act surprised." Queen says in a laugh. We talk for a little while until  we get hungry

"Ok I'm going out to get pizza anyone want to tag along?"Jazmine says and Noodles agree to go with her and they leave.

I sit on my phone scrolling and I feel Queen burning a hole through my face.

"Queen why are you staring at me." I say still looking at my phone.

"I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with you, you seem sad."

"I'm fine Queen."' I say still thinking about Jahron and getting upset all over again.

"Kehlani can you please tell me. Please." She says

I take a deep breath " Jahron keeps fucking me over and I'm tired of it."

"Well are you going to sit here sad or get even with him?" She says with a evil smirk.

"I'm not keying his car or slashing his tires."

"No I'll make up a plan. Just don't worry about it we're gonna do him dirty."

" Ok." I say with a smile giving her a hug and I can fight the urge.

I grab her face smashing our lips together. She climbs onto my lap she tilts her head deepening the kiss. Whenever we kissed it was always rushed but still passionate. Our tongues dance together in perfect sequence. I slowly slide my heads down the small of her back and feel her body shimmy a bit. She pulls away as I go in for more but she pulls always.

Beyond The LightsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ