Chapter Five

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As soon as Demi was back home, she missed André. She actually missed him as soon as she sat on the plane, but now that she was all alone in the big house, she missed him even more. She never thought she could actually feel for someone else the way she felt for Nick. And knowing that André proved her wrong was such a relief. Now she knew she won't stay single forever. The singer carried her suitcase into the bedroom and sat down on the bed, grabbing her phone. "I'm home. And I miss you terribly. L" she texted her boyfriend and took a deep breath.

"I miss you, too. It's only two weeks, baby. Can't wait to see you again."

André's text made her smile and her heart skip a beat. The thought of him living with her excited her. This house was way too big for one person and since he moved to LA permanently a while ago, it was only appropriate for them to share a home.

Demi got to bed early that night. She had to get up early and the jetlag was already hitting her. The next day started with her working out and having a healthy breakfast before she jumped into the shower. Max was going to pick her up soon for her appearance on the Ellen show where she'd meet Jill and Kelsey. The singer was really excited to see Ellen again. It was always fun to be on her show and so unpredictable. Besides Jimmy Fallon, Ellen was probably her favorite talk show host. She always made Demi feel good and it wasn't hard for her to get the singer to laugh. That's just what Ellen did. She made people laugh and Demi could forget about all her struggles and worries whenever she talked to her.

On the way to the studio, Demi scrolled through twitter, seeing the paparazzi pictures of her arriving at the airport, smiling and looking happy. The fans loved to see her like that again. Nick was still getting shit, even though him cheating was never really confirmed. But Demi's knew song brought up more speculation of what happened between them. Ellen was probably going to ask a lot of questions, but Demi didn't mind. She's passed the time where she kept everything to herself. It was her life, it was her decision what she wanted to share with the world.

Demi walked into the studio and towards her dressing room, picking out an outfit for her appearance. Avo showed her a few ones that she really liked and she eventually decided on a dark blue jumpsuit. Her long dark hair fell over her shoulder and her make-up was simple and natural. She loved the look. A knock on the door made her look away from the mirror. "Come in." she said and slipped into her high heels.

Ellen walked in and smiled at her brightly. "Hey." the blonde said and gave Demi a big hug. She pulled back and checked her from head to toe. "You look so beautiful." Ellen said.

"Thanks." Demi smiled. "It's so good to see you again. I really missed being here."

The two talked for a while. Ellen usually asked if there was anything Demi wanted to talk about or a subject they should avoid. But Demi was okay with whatever Ellen wanted to ask her. She'd decide on the show how she'd answer. The main topic was probably going to be her single anyways.

"Okay, 10 more minutes before the show starts." one of the producers said and Ellen said goodbye to Demi and her team.

Demi waited backstage until it was time for her appearance and Ellen already had the audience hyped up. This show was always so full of joy and laughter that Demi never really want leave afterwards.

The producers who came into her dressing room earlier gave her a sign that she'd be up next and the singer took a deep breath, waiting for Ellen to introduce her.

"Alright, my next guest is one of my favorite people in the world. She's a singer, she's an actress. I'm so happy she's here today. Please welcome the beautiful Demi Lovato." Ellen said and the audience cheered and clapped as Demi walked out, waving at them.

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