Chapter Seventeen

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Author's Note: Alright...this was definitely the hardest chapter to write. I've never been so unsure about whether I should post a chapter or not, but I'm gonna do it anyways. And it's only part one. There will be more of it. I just wanted to let you guys know that I really struggled with it. As soon as I started the story and I planed the story line, this was one of the things I wanted to write so badly, simply because it's life. It's reality to so many couples. And stories, even if they are just fanfictions, are supposed to represent reality, right? I hope I did it justice and it's respectful. I hope no one feels offended by it. I tried to do my research, but of course there could be mistakes. I'm apologizing for them in advance. I'm not a doctor so go easy on me :D This story line is gonna continue in the next few chapters and the consequences are going to be tough as well.  Anyways, I wanted to give you a heads up and let you guys know that this is not meant to offend or make people angry. I hope you like it. Also, there won't be any images beside the top image and one of André. After writing all of that, I don't have the mindset to look for images. Okay, I'm rambling, I'm nervous...anyways, have fun reading :D :*

If Demi would've known what would happen, she would've stayed in bed. If she could've just skipped the day, or even the whole week, she would've done that. But life didn't always work out as planned. Life doesn't care about where you come from, what you do for a living, how much money you make or what you believe in. Life just happens. Life happens for everyone and there's nothing you can change about the way it works. Demi just thought she had her fair share of drama in her life: her addictions, her eating disorder, the self-harming and being bipolar, losing her father without ever really being able to build a proper relationship with him, her husband cheating on her...what else could happen? She really thought she was just going to finally live a little happier in the future, with her little son and a man who loved her.

In a blink of an eye, Demi's life changed drastically and the things she was about to go through were far worse than anything she experienced in the past. Nothing ever made her feel so empty, sad and awful than that.

Demi and Nick haven't seen each other much since he's been over, mainly because Demi didn't wanna start something she would regret later. She needed to set the records straight with André, letting him know what she felt and telling him that what they had wasn't just a distraction. Luckily, he was already on his way home. According to him, he would be home sometime in the evening and Demi was already mentally preparing herself for what she wanted to say and how she should explain it to him. It wasn't going to be easy to break up with him, especially with having his baby.

March 22nd 2021, 7.18am:

The singer woke up pretty early and felt a little weird, but didn't think much into it. She's been feeling off for a few days, it was probably normal during a pregnancy, or so she thought. She simply took a few deep breaths and headed into the bathroom to take a shower. After she was done, she got dressed. Marissa was going to pick her up around 8.30am. Demi's family invited them over for breakfast and the singer couldn't wait to see her sisters and parents again. The last few months, she barely got to see them. It wasn't just her own life that was pretty busy since she was still working on her album. Madison picked up acting again and spent most of her days on set, Dallas was still working as an acting coach and started her own business a while ago and her parents traveled a little. Today was going to be the first day they'd all be together since Christmas. For a family person such as Demi, that was a pretty long time.

She ran her hand over her bump, feeling a few little movements. It made her smile. Knowing he was moving put her at ease. It was probably natural for a mother to worry about her child and if everything was going to go well. As she waited for Marissa, she pulled out her phone and checked Twitter and Instagram, sighing a little at the post André published a few hours ago. The time zones still confused her. It was 12pm for him when he posted it.

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