Chapter Twenty-Four

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Demi opened her eyes slowly and starred at the ceiling. Before she could even form a coherent thought, she already felt tears rolling down her face. She swallowed down the lump in her throat, taking a deep breath. André was sleeping next to her. They spend all night talking and crying, comforting each other as much as possible. They were both well aware that this day would come. There was no way they could've possibly skipped it. But even though they both tried to mentally prepare themselves for it, it was still the worst thing in the world. Nobody could prepare your for what it's gonna feel like to wake up on the day you have to carry your own child to the grave.

Demi wiped the tears away and rolled over, sitting up on the edge of her bed. Her eyes focused on her reflection in the mirror across from her. She looked pale and the last few days, she's lost a lot of weight. Her cheek bones stuck out a lot more than usual and the bags under her eyes got darker each day. The singer sat there for a while, slowly looking up to the black dress that hung on her closet door. How was she supposed to make it through the day without breaking down? She just wanted to spend it in bed and sleep until it's all over and done with, but she knew she couldn't.

The singer took a deep breath and swallowed down the big lump that slowly formed in her throat before she stood up and dragged herself into the bathroom. She turned on the shower, stripped down and stepped in, feeling the warm water relax her muscles. She laid her head back into her head, letting it drip down her face, just standing there for a few moments. It took a while for her to find the strength and continue her shower. Eventually, she stepped out again and dried herself off.

After wrapping the towel around her body and another one around her head, she walked back into the bedroom and found André sitting on the edge in just his boxers, his head hanging low and his shoulders shaking. She knew he was crying. Her tears started falling again as well. She never knew she could cry that much. Demi sat down next to him, reached for his hand and pulled it onto her lap, squeezing it gently as she laid her head onto his shoulder.

André inhaled deeply, his breath shaky as he sniffed and ran the back of his hand over his nose. "Are we gonna be okay?" he asked. Demi bit down on her lip and laced her fingers with his. She didn't know how to answer, she didn't know if they'd be okay, but she definitely hoped so.

"I hope we're gonna be okay." she answered and pulled back, looking at him. "You should take a shower, we have to get ready." she said and tried her best not to break down.

André eventually dragged himself into the bathroom as well and Demi took the time to get dressed in her black dress. She untangled her hair from the towel, drying it a little before she looked at herself in the mirror. The singer took a deep breath and swallowed down the lump in her throat before she grabbed the blow dryer and dried her hair completely. After putting on a light, decent make up so she wouldn't look like such a mess, she heard André walking into the bedroom again.

He had his towel wrapped around his waist and looked through his clothes to find the dark jeans and white button up shirt. He got dressed as well and tried to put on his black tie, but he couldn't get it right. "Urgh, fuck!" he groaned and let his hands drop to his sides again, looking at himself with a halfway done tie.

Demi smiled a little. "Let me help you." she said and made him turn a little. She began to untangle the mess he made and André looked down before his eyes scanned her face. Demi was concentrating on the tie, working on the perfect knot as she noticed him starring at her for a while.

She licked her lips, trying to ignore it. "Done." she said with a smile and ran her palm down his chest before stepping away. Andre looked at the tie and offered her a smile as well.

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