Chapter Fourteen

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Author's note: I hate starting a chapter and not finishing it so I can post it, so I finished this one because I don't know if I'll be able to continue tomorrow and I desperately wanted to give you guys another update. But it's past midnight and I'm tired as fuck, so maybe this is not the best chapter of all of them because my brain's a bitch :D I'll try my best to write better chapters once I'm not as tired anymore :D Anyways, hope you like it regardless. Have fun :)

Ever since the kiss on New Year's Eve, Demi tried her best to avoid Nick. Since they worked together closely, it wasn't always that easy to do that, but she did a pretty good job so far. January was a calm months for her so she didn't have to get to the office as often anyways. André was traveling lot for photo shootings and the longer he was gone, Demi realized she didn't miss him as much as she probably should. She couldn't quite explain it. She loved him. She really did and she was happy with him, but those feelings could never compare to what Nick made her feel. With Nick, everything seemed so easy. It wasn't complicated, she never worried about anything in her life. But with André...She didn't know when he'd be back, he couldn't give her a clear answer because he didn't even know himself. They had no idea when they'd find time to prepare the nursery, André has only been to two check-ups with her and he'd miss the next one again. The whole relationship was so different from her and Nick's. She knew if it was Nick, he'd drop everything and make sure he'd be there every step of the way.

Demi was on her way to the doctor's office when she heard her phone ringing. She put it on speaker as she answered, not looking at who called her. "Hello?" she said as she pulled over to the left and kept driving, her eyes focused on the road and the traffic around her.

"Hey baby." she heard André say and smiled a little.

"Hey, how was your shoot?" Demi wanted to know and turned down the volume of the radio a little so she could listen to him.

"It was good. I was just calling to tell you that I'll be home for Valentine's Day." Demi could hear the big smile in his voice and felt her heart skipping a beat.

"Really?" she asked and couldn't hold back the giddy squeal that left her lips. "Oh my god, I'm so happy. I thought I'd have to spend Valentine's Day alone. Can you imagine how depressing that would've been? Being pregnant and spending Valentine's Day alone?" she chuckled and heard André laugh a little as well.

"Pretty depressing. But you don't have to worry about that now. I could talk to my manager and he managed to talk to the people who organize this whole project, so they gave me the time off. It'll only be 2 days, though." he said.

Demi pouted a little as she pulled up at the doctor's officer and shut off the engine. "Okay...better than not seeing you at all." she said and shrugged a little.

"True. I'll arrive on the 13th around 8am. My flight back is on the 15th at 6am." he told her and Demi sighed a little. "I'm sorry I can't be there longer. And I'M sorry I can't be with you today. Are you at the doctor's yet?"

Demi nodded. "Yeah, I am. Just arrived." she smiled. "Let's see how this little peanut is doing."

André chuckled. "Maybe the doctor will be able to tell if it's a boy or a girl today." he said. "Hamann junior didn't think it was necessary to let us know yet."

Demi smiled. She would love to find out if they are going to have a boy or a girl. She was kind of hoping for a boy who would just look like his daddy. The other check-ups weren't so revealing. The baby was in a position that didn't allow the doctor to see anything which was quite frustrating. Demi wanted to know so badly.

"Let's hope the baby will be a little more cooperative today." she laughed. "Babe, I gotta hang up. I gotta head inside. I love you." she said and André said goodbye as well before they hung up and Demi headed inside.

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