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FoodForLife joined the chatroom
blueisbest joined the chatroom

blueisbest: thanks for the food buddy, it was great as always

FoodForLife: my pleasure 😊

FoodForLife: do you think Keith is OK? He didn't touch his food

dream-meme-queen joined the chatroom

blueisbest: I asked if he was OK earlier and he said he was fine

dream-meme-queen: who would have thought Lance actually cared about Keith

FoodForLife: I was just about to say that!

dream-meme-queen: lol

blueisbest: why is everyone so surprised? I mean, we may be rivals, but he's part of the team so I've gotta be kind of concerned

blueisbest: he was really quiet too,and when we were fighting over his phone, he gave up really quickly, so I thought something was up

FoodForLife: are you sure he's really OK?

blueisbest: he said he was kind of sick, that's all

blueisbest: you know, I'm surprised neither of you read the conversation that we had after you all left

dream-meme-queen: don't worry lance, I definitely read it

FoodForLife: you can do that?

dream-meme-queen: yeah, just scroll up to the time we were chatting at before

FoodForLife: oh, OK, cool

blueisbest: I'm gonna go check on Keith and make sure he gets some rest. Have you noticed he always stays up super late to train? No wonder he's sick.

blueisbest: bye

FoodForLife: see ya

dream-meme-queen: good riddance

blueisbest: excuse me?

dream-meme-queen: lol jk bye

blueisbest left the chatroom

dream-meme-queen: I think someone likes Keith more than he let's on

FoodForLife: agreed

Princess Kick-Ass joined the chatroom

Princess Kick-Ass: hey

Princess Kick-Ass: wait, who likes Keith?

dream-meme-queen: scroll up more

Princess Kick-Ass: OK

Princess Kick-Ass: wait, Lance actually did all of that?

Princess Kick-Ass: I don't believe it

dream-meme-queen: you better believe it sister

Princess Kick-Ass: lol I can't wait to see what happens.

Princess Kick-Ass: hey, have you guys seen Shiro?

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