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"To Shallura!" Hunk raised a cookie in the air. The others followed suit. Lance smiled, tapping his cookie with Hunk's, like they were glasses of wine. Hunk laughed. "Cheers, I guess!"

"Cheers!" Everyone responded. Allura took a bite of her cookie, letting it crumble in her mouth. The explosion of flavor was like nothing she had tasted before, and she could barely contain herself from squealing in delight.

"These are amazing, Hunk!" She said through a mouthful of pastry.

Hunk dropped his gaze to the ground, looking very embarrassed. "Oh, thank you , Princess."

"What was I telling you, Allura. Hunk's cookies are the best!" Coran exclaimed, taking a leave bite from his third cookie.

"You're right about that." Allura responded. She turned her gaze to Shiro, who was now sneakily trying to snatch another cookie off of the table. She tip toed quietly until she was right behind him. Leaning her head closer to his ear, she whispered, "I thought you said you were on a strict health food diet, Mr."

Shiro jumped in surprise,dropping his cookie back onto the platter, as he whipped his head around to see who had startled him. His eyes met Allura's, and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Well, you caught me I guess," he shrugged. "But I mean these cookies are to celebrate us, so I figured having another one wouldn't hurt. They are really good." He quickly turned back around, grabbing the treat, the he looked back to face Allura.

"So, you and me. Us." The princess said, softly. "I like it." She slipped her thin, dainty hand into Shiro's larger, muscular one, and she couldn't help but notice that it felt just right.

"Me too." Shiro responded, smiling at her sweetly. His eyes were soft and sparkling, and she couldn't help but get lost in them for a few moments. She wondered if she should kiss him, but she didn't ponder it for long. Shiro bent down, closing the distance between them. The kiss was short, but sweet, and it perfect. When they pulled away, Pidge was clapping, Coran and Hunk were both tearing up, and Lance and Keith were both smiling at them. Allura couldn't help but smile as well, for she was so happy to be surrounded by such wonderful people, and to have a group of friends that cared about her. Not to mention, having a wonderful boyfriend.

"I'm so glad that one of my ships is actually canon." Pidge said.

"Canon?" Allura looked at her inquisitively.

"Yep. That means its real, its happening, its for sure." Pidge replied, grabbing another cookie from the slowly decreasing stack. Lance pushed Keith forward so the red paladin could get one as well.

"So, when did Shallura even happen?" Lance asked, licking crumbs from his fingers.

"Earlier, back on the planet. Allura and I went on a date at a little cafe we found." Shiro said, blushing slightly.

"You should have seen him when he asked me! He was all nervous and stuttery." Allura commented, leaning her head against Shiro's strong arm.

Shiro's blush deepened. "Well it was basically the most terrifying moment of my life." He said.

"The most terrifying moment of your life?" Hunk exclaimed. "We fight monsters and giant robot thingys practically on a daily basis. How many times have we almost died?"

"Well yeah, but what if she had said no? Honestly, that seems pretty scary to me." Shiro responded, causing everyone to chuckle.

"There's no way I would have said no to you." Allura replied teasingly, giving Shiro a light flick on the shoulder.

The cheerful little party continued. They all laughed and talked, until the enormous pile of cookies had completely vanished. The artificial lights in the castle glowed brightly, shining upon the friends' faces, all enjoying one another's company and cherishing their rare break from battle. It was nice to kick back and relax for a bit, not having to worry about dying every few minutes.

"Hey! Do you guys wanna play a game or something?" Hunk asked, still trying to clear his face of left over crumbs.

"How about hide and seek?" Pidge suggested, already coming up with a battle strategy.

"What is 'hide and seek'?" Allura and Coran asked at the same time.

"Oh, so one person is the seeker, and the rest of us are hiders." Lance explained,using theatrics to enhance the experience. "The hiders scatter around the castle and find a place to hide. Once they are all hidden, the seeker has to go out and find them. Its pretty simple, but I have to say that I am very good at it. I used to play it with my family back on Earth." Lance looked sad for a second, reminiscing back to the simpler days that he had taken for granted, but he quickly pushed the thoughts aside, donning another huge smile. "So who wants to play?"

"I'm in." Pidge smirked.

"Yeah." Hunk said with a smile.

"I think I understand how it is played, so I will join you as well." Allura replied excitedly.

"I-I think I may have eaten too many cookies," Coran grimaced, hand on his stomach. "Sorry, but I don't think I'm up for it right now."

"OK, maybe next time." Lance waved as Coran walked out of the room, looking like he was about to puke any minute.

"I'll play, I guess." Shiro sounded reluctant upon agreeing,but quickly changed attitudes. "That is, if you're ready to lose."

"Oh, its on." Pidge cracked her knuckles, and adjusted her glasses.

"What about you, Keith?" Hunk asked. The red paladin had been sitting with his arms crossed, gaze at the floor. When he had heard his name, his attention snapped back to the present, noticing all eyes on him, he figured that he had just been asked a question, and they were all waiting for a response.

"Huh?" Was all he said.

"Are you going to play with us?" Hunk asked.

"Nah. Have fun, though." Keith sighed.

"What? Why aren't you gonna play?" Lance questioned in surprise.

"OK, first of all, I can't hide very well if I'm in this chair thing, and second of all, I hate hide and seek so much." Keith responded, with literal hate in his voice upon mentioning the game.

"Oh, I am so making you play." Lance said with a smirk. "Who's gonna be the seeker? Not it!"

"I will." Pidge offered smugly, already knowing there was no way she could lose. "But can I suggest we make this a little more extreme?"

"What do you mean?" Hunk asked, looking a little worried.

"So, first of all we lower the game to 10 minutes. If I don't find you all before the time runs out, I lose. But if I find you all, I get to ask you each a truth or dare question. They will be more humiliating and or difficult the sooner I find you." Pidge explained.

"OK, but what do we get if we win?" Allura asked.

"Well, then each of you can ask me a truth or dare question." Pidge replied.

"Oh, it is on! Be prepared to be defeated little pigeon because you are going down!" Lance cheered.

"OK. You have one minute to hide, then the 10 minute timer will begin to countdown. Good luck, you're gonna need it." Pidge smirked.

"On my cue, everyone hide, OK?" Shiro said, already racking his brain for places to hide.

"Yep." Lance replied, gripping the handles of the wheelchair.

"Let's do this, I guess." Hunk said, seeming a little more nervous now that the new rules had been instated.

"I'm ready, and I don't intent to lose!" Allura exclaimed.

"OK. 3...2...1...GO!"

Timer: 60...59...58...

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