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blueisbest created a private chatroom
blueisbest renamed 'private chatroom' to 'Secret Gay Stuff'
blueisbest invited Kweef to Secret Gay Stuff

Kweef: secret gay stuff?

blueisbest: well, I mean, its true

Kweef: ...

blueisbest: you know you love me <3

Kweef: its not to late for me to leave

blueisbest: noooooo don't leave me Kweefy

Kweef: sometimes I question my own choices to the point where I feel like I hallucinated making them and its all just one big lie that I don't know how to stop

Kweef: that is happening right now

blueisbest: oh come on, we just hand a real bonding moment. That's gotta count for something, right?

Kweef: yeah, it does

blueisbest: that's good 😘

Kweef: nope you just ruined it with that emo G

blueisbest: you mean emoji?

Kweef: whatever

blueisbest: okay.... Anyways this chatroom is here

Kweef: yeah

blueisbest: so how's your food goo?

Kweef: why are we texting while we sit right next to each other?

blueisbest: I don't know, to be discrete?


"Okay, who are you guys texting? Its getting annoying." Pidge complained, leaning closer to Keith and trying to read over his shoulder.

"No one. Its nothing." Keith said quickly, stuffing his phone in his pocket. Lance slowly did the same.

"You two were texting each other." Pidge stated matter-of-factly.

"We weren't," Lance insisted.

"Don't try to lie. I'm not stupid and you guys suck at making up excuses," she retorted, crossing her arms.

"Pidge, it doesn't matter what they were doing. But you two should know by now that there are no phones allowed at the dinner table," Shiro accused.

"Sorry, dad," Lance pouted, sinking lower in his chair. Keith thought he was acting a little childish, until he noticed Lance take his phone out again, making sure it was hidden from sight underneath the table's surface. The blue paladin glanced up at Keith, smirking, an evil glint of disobedience in his eyes that Keith recognized back from the Garrison. Lance was always kind of a trouble maker when they were in school, but he had always put so much effort in to the classes that Keith hadn't felt good enough to judge. After all, all he did was "disobey orders" and "disrespect his teachers" and "fail to connect with others."  He got himself kicked out of the school he had dreamed of going to since he was in kindergarten. His life's dream crushed, and it was all his fault.

That's why, while he was living in the desert with the bare necessities, and he caught on to a signal coming from some unknown source, he chased it, grasping on to any glimpse of a future he might still have.

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