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They all sat in a circle in the lounge, the five hiders all sweating nervously while Pidge sat up on her makeshift throne of spare parts, a wide smirk plastered on her face. Oh how she had long awaited this moment, and the way everyone was fidgeting anxiously made it all the more enjoyable.

"We are gonna do this based on the order in which I found you." She said. "That means, Hunk, you're up first." Hunk was probably getting the nicest dare, mostly because she was just trying to get at Klance and Shallura with this, and because Hunk was her best bro.  "Hunk, you're dare is to make me a five tier cake, top quality with green frosting. Then you all get to watch me eat it."

Hunk released a breath. "That's not as bad as I thought it would be. I'll be right back then. In like an hour. Or two."

"Take your time, buddy." And with that, Hunk was off. "Then I found Keith second. Okay, so I dare you to dress up as a cowboy, and then ride Kaltenecker out on the training deck until I say you can stop."

"Haha, what?"  Keith asked weakly, a strained smile on his face.

"You heard me, pardner ." Pidge smiled.


Keith was now fully clothed in adequate cowboy attire, and Lance rolled his wheelchair out into the open area.  Lance, then somehow managed to lift Keith onto Kaltenecker's back.

"There's no reins, how the heck am I supposed to hold on?" Keith asked.

"You've done this before, remember the space mall?" Lance said.

"What happened at the space mall?" Shiro asked, eyeing the three with suspicion.

"Oh, nothing, we just had a dandy time that's all. Nothing interesting happened really, we just found that skultrite and got out of there, well that was after we bought the video game and Kaltenecker, but that's not important-" Lance spat out, but Keith cut him off.

"Just stop talking, Lance."

"OK, now I'm curious. I turn my back on you guys for one day and...you know what, I'll ask about this later. Right now, you're supposed to be riding a cow." Shiro chuckled.

"Don't get too comfortable. You're up next." Pidge said, and Shiro immediately stopped laughing.

Lance ran over to join the rest of the group, and they all watched as Keith struggled to stay on top of Kaltenecker. "This is not cool, Pidge!" He yelled.

"Maybe not, but it sure is funny." Pidge chuckled, recording every second of it on her phone.

"You're right about that, Pigeon." Lance agreed. "This is hilarious."

"If its so funny Lance, then why don't you go hitch a ride." Pidge suggested.

"No, I'm perfectly fine where I am, thank you." Lance replied quickly. By now, Keith had gotten more of a hold of how to ride properly and was looking more like a real cowboy.

"I don't think you are. You should go." Pidge smiled innocently (not) and cocked her head in Keith's direction. Lance looked back over at Keith, who actually seemed to be enjoying himself just a bit at this point, and Lance thought that it looked at least little fun, and fun was a pretty rare thing these days. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, I guess." Lance walked a little closer to Kaltenecker. "KEITH!" He shouted up, waving his arms. Kaltenecker stopped when Keith patted her on the head, and he looked down at Lance.

"What? Did Pidge say I could get off yet?" He asked.

"Not exactly. She said that I should get on too, sooo here I am." Lance said.

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