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Pidge sat on a hard stone bench in what she assumed was supposed to be a park. She stared off into the distance, bored out of her mind. She would be on her phone right now, except for the fact that it had died half an hour ago, and now she felt lost without it.

She noticed movement in the corner of her eye, turning her head to see what it was.

"PIDGE!" Lance yelled, waving his arm wildly to get her attention. And was that Keith in the wheel chair he was pushing? She stood up, closing the distance between them. The person with Lance was Keith, but why was he in a wheelchair?

"OK, I have so many questions right now." She said, examining them in an attempt to deduce what all of this was about.

"Why didn't you answer you're phone?!" Lance screeched.

"It was dead," she shrugged. "So I couldn't. Whats with the wheelchair?"

"I fell and hurt my ankle, and no one was answering their phone, so Lance decided to put me in a wheelchair and come find you guys." Keith said calmly, like it was no big deal, but Pidge could see that the swollen joint must have been painful.

"Do you know where the others are?" Lance asked.

"Um, maybe. Shiro and Allura were getting tea down the street last time I saw them, Hunk was eating everything in sight, so we could probably find him at a restaurant or something. But u have no idea where Coran ran off to."

"OK we'll make it work." Lance said, just as his phone binged in his pocket. He scrambled to get it out, crushing his thumb against the power button.


FoodForLife joined the chatroom

FoodForLife: Lance?

FoodForLife: what's wrong?

FoodForLife: is everything OK?


"Guys, its Hunk!" Lance exclaimed.


blueisbest: dude where are you.

blueisbest: Keith, Pidge, and I are at the park. Can you meet us there?

FoodForLife: wait, I thought you and Keith were at the castle?

FoodForLife: you know what, never mind. I'm on my way.

blueisbest: thanks

FoodForLife left the chatroom


"OK, Hunk is gonna meet us here. Actually, Pidge, can you go see if Shiro and Allura are still there?" Lance said.

"Sure thing, dude. I'll be right back." Pidge took off, down the street. She was pretty fast for being so short. 

"What's up?" Hunk said from behind them, startling them both.

"Oh, hey Hunk! Glad to see ya. Let me sum up the situation for ya real quick, as you're probably confused as hell. Keith hurt his ankle, no line was answering their phone, so we decided to go find you guys. Pidge is off looking for Shiro and Allura right now. So, yeah, I think that covers it." Lance smiled.

Hunk just stood there with his mouth open, taking all of the information in. "Oh, OK um. Can I take a look? I'm no doctor, but I'm probably better than Lance, no offense buddy."

"None taken." Lance replied with a smile.

"You can look at it, just try not to touch it, because that hurts." Keith said,as Hunk strolled over to him. Bending down, he looked at the bandaged ankle.

"Did you do this, Lance?" Hunk asked with surprise, motioning towards the bandages.

"Um, yeah? Was that bad?" Lance asked, worried he had messed up.

"Nope, its perfect. I can't tell what's wrong with it, but Allura probably has some x-ray machine back on the castle. Then we can see if you broke anything." Hunk explained, pushing himself off the ground.

Keith groaned. "I swear, if anything is broken..."

"Guys! I found them!" Pidge yelled, running towards them, holding on to Shiro's wrist, pulling him along, while Allura ran next to her. Shiro's eyes widened as he took in the scene.

"Keith! What happened? Are you ok? Hey, was this you're fault Lance?" Shiro said, already examining Keith's ankle.

"No, it's my fault actually, but that's not the point. I'll be fine, it just hurts a bit." Keith said, patting Shiro's shoulder.

"Let's get back to the castle." Allura suggested. "Wait, where is Coran?"

"We don't know." Lance replied, gripping the wheelchair's handles. "But I'm sure he'll come back to the castle soon."

"Yes, you're right. I'll contact him once we return home." Allura said.

"Alright, let's go!" Lance exclaimed, pushing Keith out of the park. Thee others followed closely behind.
Back at the castle, Allura conducted a quick x-ray, and thankfully, no bones were broken, but he did have a pretty bad sprain.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to stay off of it for at least two weeks so it can heal properly." Allura said, sympathy seeping into her voice.

"Two weeks, huh?" Keith murmured. You could see his face fall, as he realized that meant no training, no fighting, no walking for two entire weeks. "Wait, why can't you just put me in a healing pod for a bit?" He asked, a small glint of hope in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but we can't do that. We only use healing pods in life or death situations because it takes so much energy to get them working." Allura responded.

"Oh." Was all Keith replied with, face dowwncast.

"Don't worry, Keith. We aren't going to be doing much this week, since we are staying on this planet, and you can just use the wheelchair to get around." Hunk commented, trying to show the optimistic point of view.

"Well he isn't going anywhere for the time being. He's still sick." Lance said, hand on his hip, and the other now on top of Keith's head. Lance glanced over, catching Pidge's gaze. She cast him a smirk, before he looked at Shiro.

"If its OK with everyone, I'm going to bring Keith back to his room, and then take a nap because jeez am I exhausted." Lance sighed.

"Yeah, go right ahead. The rest of us are going to locate Coran." Shiro replied.

"Alright, cool. Good night!" Lance waved, already pushing Keith out of the room. When they were far down the hall, Lance finally spoke.

"Keith, are you doing OK?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah," Keith sighed, brushing his bangs out of his face. "I'm just a bit frustrated because I hate not being able to move around."

"Well I think I know what can cheer you up!" Lance exclaimed, starting to push the wheel chair faster.

"No! No, not this again. Please." Keith begged.

"Fine, you got out of it this time but that's just because I'm tired, so consider yourself lucky." Lance joked, walking again.

"Thank you." Keith responded, and they finished the rest of their journey in silence. When they finally reached Keith's room, Lance steered the wheel chair inside with some difficulty, as the door kept shutting on him. Lance helped him up, and Keith hopped a few steps over to his bed, plopping down on it.

"Is there anything else I can get you, my lord?" Lance asked, badly impersonating a butler.

"One, don't call me that, and two, no I don't need anything." Keith said, kicking Lance's thigh with his good foot. Lance stumbled back a few steps before he could catch his balance. "Now go take your dumb nap."

"Yes, my lord." Lance bowed, looking up wit a smirk, before backing out of the room. He bumped into the door frame a bit, and almost fell. Keith laughed a bit after the door shut behind him. Laying down, he let his eyes close, waiting for sleep to drag him away from his pulsing headache, scratchy throat, and throbbing ankle, in the quiet of his room.

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