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"And they lived happily ever after." Shiro concluded the performance with a quick bow, and immediately scurried off the stage. The small audience clapped unevenly, the sound bouncing around the spacious room.

"That was fun!" Allura exclaimed, now dressed as a prince, since she had been kissed by a "princess" and the "spell" had worn off. "What was it called again?"

"The Princess and the Frog." Pidge replied, taking a sip of coffee that Hunk had graciously brewed for them. "Its an Earthen fairy tale."

"I like it. Do you think maybe I could hear some more of them later?" Allura asked inquisitively, always interested in other cultures and such.

"Definitely." Shiro replied. "I can tell you more, but I might need help. I haven't heard any since I was young, so the details are kind of foggy."

"Wait, but you're only six Shiro. How do you fall asleep at night without hearing a bed time story?" Pidge teased, laughing at her own joke.

"Oh. My. God. I'm out." Shiro stated, making a bee line for the exit.

"I'll go talk to him." Allura volunteered as soon as he was out the door, following just behind him.

"Well, now that all of the dares are over, what should we do?" Lance asked.

"Lance, Lance, Lance." Pidge sighed. "You really thought you could escape that easy? Well you thought wrong. If I'm not mistaken, it's your turn for one of my special home cooked dares, and this one is pretty good if I say so myself."

"God damnit, Pidge." Lance scowled. "Alright... So what's it gonna be? Another costume?"

"Not this time Lancey-boy. Nope, this is better." Pidge smirked.

"Well? Are you gonna tell me? I'd prefer to get this over with now, Pigeon." Lance asked, sneakily swiping some frosting off the cake and licking it from his fingers.

"Eager, are we?" Pidge laughed, while Lance scowled. Suddenly Allura and Shiro reentered the room, the Princess dragging Shiro behind her by his hand while he struggled to get away. He wasn't strong enough to fight her off though, so he gave up and let her pull him towards the group. Shiro glared in Pidge's direction for a few moments, before sighing in defeat and softening his expression.

"Sorry, I know I overreacted, but please keep the jokes down to a minimum? Thanks." He said, while Pidge nodded, deciding that she could do at least that for him.

"OK, well, as I was saying before, its time for Lance's dare, and since he's so eager to learn what it is, I guess I'll tell." She paused a second, making sure to focus all of her attention on the blue paladin's face. She didn't want to miss a second of this. "And Lance will be playing the Pocky game with-"

"Please say Allura, please please please say Allura, of course I'm not trying to invade on your relationship with Shiro, Allura, but seriously you gotta understand right? Say. Allura. Pleeeaaasseee-" Lance spouted, only stopping when Pidge placed her hand over the boy's mouth, staring him dead in the eyes.

"-Keith," she smiled as the color drained from Lance's face. Man, this was gonna be fun.

"Haha, what?" Lance asked nervously.

"You heard me." Pidge replied.

"But we don't have Pocky-" Lance sputtered.

"You really think I wouldn't think of that before hand? I have plenty of Pocky, so I can assure you that that won't be a problem. In fact..." She pulled a box of classic chocolate Pocky from her jacket pocket and placed it in Lance's hand. "There you go." Only now did she take time to look at Keith, who was somehow paler than he normally was and looked like he was about to throw up from anxiety. She mouthed the word 'knife' to him and then 'do it for the knife' proceeded with a thumbs up and an encouraging wink. He smiled weakly at her with a tint of loathing in his eyes as he wondered how he was being so easily swayed into this.

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