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Allura rushed down to the black lion hangar, dress flowing behind her. Her footsteps echoed though the empty hallways. She rounded the corner, slamming through another door. She recognized this hallway. She was almost there. She stopped a minute to compose herself. Catching her breath, she quickly fixed her hair and smoothed out her dress. Catching her reflexion in the shiny surface of a nearby wall, she decided her appearance was adequate. She nervously finished her walk through the final hall, fidgeting with her fingers in an unprincess like manner. She reminded herself that she was, in fact, royalty and therefore had to appear that way. She straightened her posture, moving her shoulders back. Taking one final deep breath, she opened the door that lead to her destination. The black lion stood before her, its immense size reminding her if how small and helpless she really was. And there, standing next to it, was Shiro.


Kind, handsome, responsible, and talented. When he had offered to take her for a ride, she couldn't help but say yes. She was sure when Coran found out they were going out into space alone, that he would disapprove, but that didn't matter right now. She would deal with that later.  Coran worried about her too much anyways.

Shiro finally noticed her presence in the room and he looked up at her with surprised but happy eyes. She gave a small wave of acknowledgement, and he returned it with a smile. He beckoned her forward, and she obliged, taking a dozen or so steps forward.

"Hello, Princess," Shiro said, a smile crossing his face.

"Hello, Shiro."

"Ready for a ride?"

"Of course. I've been looking forward to this all day."

"I have too." Shiro motioned for her to enter the lion. She bunched up her skirts in her hands, gracefully stepping into the lion's mouth. Shiro followed behind her, leading her up through the gigantic robotic cat.

"Please be careful, Princess. There is only one seat here, and I need to to pilot, so I'm afraid you have to stand. Hold on tight, OK?" Shiro said.

"OK." Allura reached for the back of the seat, tightening her grip, when she felt the lion jolt from its stagnant position. She looked out the window and saw as the pristine white walls, changed into the sparkling beauty of space. She had seen it all before through the castle's windows, but this time, it felt different. It was calm, quiet, peaceful. Like taking a stroll on a nice day. The freedom that came with it was amazing in itself. Never before, had she felt like she had all the time in the world to just frolic about in the endless abyss of space. She had always been confined to the castle, only to leave if absolutely necessary. She thought this short ride would just be a nice break, but it was so much more than that.

"Thank you, Shiro"

"My, pleasure. I think we both needed a break."

They rode in silence for a while, taking in the view.

"I thinks its time we head back." Shiro said after some time.

She sighed. "You're probably right." She could feel the lion change course, and she tried to hang on the those last few moments of freedom as best as she could.


Lance tapped his foot, impatiently waiting for Coran to show up. Keith had finally fallen asleep, and was currently snoring softly. Lance would hate to wake him up again, but Keith should take the medicine as soon as possible.

An abrupt knock startled him, but he quickly had the door opened. Coran was on the other side, holding a small bottle filled with a stranger purple liquid.

"This should take down his fever for a while. Just have him drink a bit every time his temp goes back up." Coran explained.

"OK, thanks." Lance responded. Lance would have to stay here and monitor Keith's temperature all night. He wasn't looking forward to it. He wanted Keith to get better, but he felt like everyone was dumping all the responsibility on him, and he had no idea what he was doing. He wondered why he even cared so much. He and Keith were rivals, but they were still part of the same team.

"No problem, Lance. Take care of him for us!" Coran said.

"Yeah." Was all Lance said before taking the medicine from Coran, watching him leave. Lance turned, walking over to the bed. The ice had melted a while ago, so Lance reached over, moving Keith's bangs off his forehead, laying his other hand there, noticing that the fever had gotten worse. He reluctantly grabbed Keith's shoulder, shaking it a little to get Keith to wake up.

"Hey, Keith, I need you to wake up. Keith. Wake up." Lance said, until finally, Keith's eyes fluttered opened, groggily looking around the room as if he didn't know where he was. "Keith, can you sit up?"

Keith just nodded a little before slowly moving into a sitting position. Lance handed him the bottle. "Take a sip of this, it should help."

Keith obliged, taking a swig, before shoving it back into Lance's hand, coughing roughly.

"When you said you had a little cold, I wasn't expecting all this. You need to sleep right now so don't think I'm gonna let you get up and do anything. If you need something, just let me know alright. We need you back to healthy in case we need to fight, not to mention, your lion's gonna kill me if you don't get better soon." 

"Yeah, yeah. Sleep. Got it." Keith murmmured, laying back down.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go. I'll come back in a bit to check in you, but if you need anything, just text me. Or someone else. If you want." Lance turned to leave, but he felt something latch onto his wrist. He whipped around to see Keith's hand grabbing him, pulling him back.

"Don't go..." Keith mumbled into his pillow. Lance was surprised that Keith wanted him to stay. Usually he'd be yelling at Lance to get out of his room, but now, something felt different. He decided he had nothing better to do, so he pulled a chair next to the bed a took a seat.

"Fine," Lance said as he sat down. "I'll stay."

"Good," Keith responded, sniffling. He reached out, grabbing Lance's hand, and held firm, almost as if he thought Lance would get up and leave if he didn't. Lance blushed a little, wondering if the medicine had some weird side affects, or if Keith was just delusional from the fever. Lance waited for a while until Keith's grip loosened, and soft snores could be heard. He felt Keith's forehead again, and noticed his temperature was almost back to normal. Sighing with relief, he leaned back in the chair, hoping to catch a few z's himself.

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