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"How the hell are we supposed to do this!" Lance screeched. They had reached the hang glider section of the decent to the hangar and as much as Lance thought about it, there was no possible way to get both of them down to the red lion successfully.

"Why don't you just let me go down by myself. The hang glider will keep me off my foot, and the speeder carries me the rest of the way, so its not a problem." Keith suggested.

"No. I can't leave you alone, you'll probably break your arm or something if I stay here." Lance retorted.

"Fine, then you can come down after me." Keith responded, standing up on a shaky leg, hopping once, twice. He lost his balance and started tumbling towards the ground, but strong arms had wrapped around him, catching him mid fall.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about!" Lance yelled, pulling one of Keith's arms over his shoulders, making it easier for the shorter boy to stand. "Are you all right?" Lance glanced at Keith's face, his voice now more soft and concerned.

Keith blew out a long steady breath, ending it with a short, "Yeah."

"Good." Lance held Keith's arm in place with one hand, and with the other, pulled Keith closer by the waist, making it easier for both of them to travel to the hang glider. Keith couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable though, as he wasn't use to this much physical contact. Lance continued to hold Keith's waist as the red paladin attempted to reach for the handles of the hang glider.

"OK, you can let go now." Keith said after he had achieved a sturdy grip.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid, mullet. And when you get down there, just sit on the ground. No Mr. Loner Tough Guy, k? Because if you fall, and your hero, Lance, isn't there to save you, well let's just say you really might break your arm."

"Yeah," Keith replied, with a nod, and he felt Lance release him. The ride was smooth and consistent, as always, making him feel like he was cutting right through the air. It gave him the since of flight and freedom that he loved so much. That's why he had become a pilot in the first place. Not to mention he was glad to finally be able to move on his own. He hated having to rely on other people, but now that he was on a team, he knew that he would have to. And it took him a sprained ankle to realize that.

He dropped down into the speeder, allowing himself to relax into the seat, watching the smooth polished walls fly past. Within the minute, he was at the end of the path. He struggled to exit the speeder, and ended up just rolling out onto the floor. He layed down, looking up at Red's gigantic face.

"Hey there, girl." He greeted. Red looked down. When she saw her paladin laying on the ground, her eyes lit up, and she let out a purring noise.

"So I've heard that you and the other Lions can communicate with the rest of us by using the chatroom. Can I do that now?" Keith pulled out his phone, opening the chatroom.


Kweef joined the chatroom
Red Lion joined the chatroom

Red Lion: how are you doing? Is the blue paladin treating you OK?

Kweef: well my ankle is pretty wrecked but it should be fine in about two weeks. My sickness is almost gone, and I have to give Lance credit for that. I wouldn't have a sprained ankle if I had listened to him too, so yeah he's been looking out for me

Red Lion: I guess since he has helped you, then that means that I won't have to carry out with my plan...

Kweef: ...what plan?

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