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dream-meme-queen joined the chatroom
blueisbest joined the chatroom

blueisbest: I'm out of the shower now. What r u guys up too?

dream-meme-queen: you showered for an hour?

dream-meme-queen: never mind. Well, we've been on the planet for sometime and the inhabitants have already agreed to be friends with us and have offered for us to stay as long as we want, so Allura did we could stay for  a week. You and Keith might get to see the planet if he gets better soon.

blueisbest: you mean you're leaving me in charge of Keith until he gets better?

blueisbest: he better heal soon. I'm tired of looking after him

dream-meme-queen: yup, I'm sure you are

dream-meme-queen: {image attachment}

blueisbest: Stop posting that picture!

dream-meme-queen: not until I get some answers

blueisbest: fine

blueisbest: I think he was delusional from the fever or something, because when I went to leave, he pulled me back, and held my hand like he was scared I would leave

blueisbest: I'm also considering possible strange side affects to the medicine he took

blueisbest: but I don't know cuz he's been asleep the whole time, except to throw up on me

blueisbest: oh yeah, the medicine!

blueisbest: I've gtg but I'll brb hold on

blueisbest left the chatroom
Space Dad joined the chatroom
Princess Kick-Ass joined the chatroom

dream-meme-queen: hey guys

Space Dad: hi, Pidge

dream-meme-queen: where did you guys go off to?

Princess Kick-Assright now Shiro, Coran, and I are having dinner with the leader of the people here

Space Dad: have you see where Hunk ran off to?

dream-meme-queen: I don't know. After he helped me with one of my experiments, we left to check out the planet, and he just disappeared

dream-meme-queen: knowing him, he's probably checking out the food here

Space Dad: yeah, you're probably right

Coranic joined the chatroom

Coranic: Hi there, everyone!

dream-meme-queen: hey

Coranic: I just got finished talking to one of the chefs, and it turns out that Hunk has already taken charge of the whole kitchen

Coranic: he seems very focused and keeps yelling things like "does that look over medium to you?!"

dream-meme-queen: oh no not again

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