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Allura followed Shiro into a small building, decorated with extravagant floral designs. It was really quite magnificent. A bell jingled as they stepped inside. Wonderful smells filled the air, adding to the friendly and cheerful atmosphere, with the hum of conversation in the background. Allura already loved this little cafe, it was just so perfect.

They sat down at a taller table with two seats that spun. She knew it wasn't very princess like of her, but she allowed herself a few spins, before finally setting her hands in her lap. She met Shiro's gaze across the table. He was smiling in amusement and she realized the he had been watching her. She blushed in embarrassment and looked away.

Soon, someone came to take their order. They both got the same thing, coincidentally, and the waitress just nodded as she scrawled down the order on her notepad. When she was done, she stuck the writing utensil behind her ear and walked off. She heard Shiro cough, drawing her attention back to him. He wouldn't meet her gaze and he was fighting with his fingers.

"Hey, A-Allura?" Shiro stuttered. She had never seen Shiro act this way before. He seemed almost nervous. She had never heard him stutter before either.

"Yes?" She asked, curious as to where this was going.

"Um, I was wondering, if you would like to, uh, go on a-a date. With me." The words tumbled out of his mouth in a jumbled mess, but Allura could still figure out the meaning behind them. They both blushed madly.

Allura couldn't help but feel that she had been longing to hear those words for a while now. "I, uh.." She took a deep breath, and Shiro looked up with a worried expression, anxious to see her reply. She smiled warmly. "Yes, yes Shiro of course I will go on a date with you. In fact, why don't we start now, this can be our first date!"

She could see the relief wash over Shiro's face. He smiled, and her heart skipped.

"OK, first date it is." Shiro let out a long breath, as if he had been holding it for a while. Their tea arrived, thin spirals of steam flowing from the surface. Allura took a sip, letting out a squeak when the hot liquid burned her tongue. She almost dropped the cup out of surprise, but quickly rebalanced it in her hand. Shiro just chuckled, blowing at his own tea to cool it off.

They talked for a while longer before deciding it was time to leave. While walking towards the door, Allura felt a hand slide into her own. Shiro looked away but she could still see the faint blush that dusted his cheeks. She just smiled, and squeezed his hand back in acknowledgement. They left the cafe happily, to the sound of a tinkling bell as the door closed behind them.


"Lance, stop trying to make me fall asleep. I'm not tired!" Keith insisted, sitting up in his bed. He coughed into his arm, leaning against the wall.

"Fine, well do you want food goo or something?" Lance asked, exhausted and exasperated. He hadn't slept the whole day/night except for that short nap that had been interrupted by a snooping Pidge.

"Yeah, sure..." Keith mumbled.

Lance went to leave before he thought of one more thing. " Oh, and you should probably lay down while I'm gone."


"You need to get better. Just do it!"


Lance huffed. "OK then just stay on the bed. Don't move. I'll be right back." He made it through the door successfully, then proceeded to jog the entire way to the kitchen. He quickly got some basic food goo, and he knew it wouldn't be very good because Hunk wasn't there to modify it with his eye for seasoning. He walked back to Keith's room, careful not to spill anything. He was in the hallway, around fifteen steps from his destination, when he heard a crash and thud, followed by a grunt of pain. He picked up the pace just a bit so he could go and inspect what was happening.

He walked through the door way, and was met with Keith on the floor, cradling his ankle.

"Keith, what happened?" Lance asked with an annoyed tone. He had told Keith to stay in bed, and he was definitely not there now. He set down the plate on Keith's desk, before approaching the boy on the floor, sitting down next to him.

"I don't know. I just stood up and walked like, what, four steps, and all the sudden I'm on the ground. And my ankle hurts real bad." Keith shrugged it off like it was no big deal, but beneath his nonchalance, Lance could see the pained expression etched into his face.

"Let's get you back on the bed. Can you stand on it?" Lance asked,  already helping Keith to his feet.

"I don't think so." Lance pulled Keith's arm around his shoulder, tuning himself into a human crutch for Keith to hop over to the bed with.

"Let me see." Lance reached for the ankle, but at the slightest touch, Keith flinched away, grimacing. Lance had no idea how to identify what was wrong with the ankle,  but he could tell it was definitely not good. It was already swollen and turning into a harsh purple color. "See Keith, you should have listened to me. I said stay in you're bed but guess what, you didn't, and now something's wrong with your ankle and I have no idea how to fix it and there is no one else in this castle. I guess I'll just have to wing it." Lance murmured that last part to himself, hoping that maybe he do finally something right.

Ice. He knew that was supposed to help. And what about those bandages? And a wheelchair maybe? He made a mental checklist quickly.

"Just, eat this," Lance handed him the bowl of food. "I'm gonna go grab some things  and this time you better not get up."

"Yeah, I've learned my lesson..." Keith muttered, already shoveling food goo into his mouth.

Lance ran, marking off each item as he collected it, wracking his brain for anything else he might need. When he came up with nothing, he ran back, footsteps pounding through the echoey halls, all the while, pushing a wheel chair in front of him. By the time he got back, Keith had finished eating, and was currently sitting patiently at the end of his bed, fiddling with the sheets.

Lance bent over, catching his breath and waiting for his racing pulse to calm back to a more normal rate.

"Keith, give me your foot." Lance kneeled on the floor, leaving one leg up so Keith could lay his foot on it. Lance immediately began wrapping it in bandages hoping to help give the injured joint support and restrict its movement. Once he was satisfied, he put an icepack on top. He felt Keith flinch from the sudden coldness.

"I'm gonna try and contact someone and see if they can help us." Lance stated out loud, but he was orally talking to himself. He pulled out his phone and began typing a message.

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