~•Chapter 3•~

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   "ZAAAAAACH!!" Dini-Hoo, a daughter of the Horror magician of Horrorland/one of the descendants of Jonathan Chiller, ran swiftly with her blue-furred legs towards The Chiller House.

From time to time, her magician cape covered her face while she ran but she swung it back every time it did. Her top hat was tilting but she did not care. Her shining golden eyes that were wide with fear should be a hint for the answer why.

   Once she reached into the building, the bell above the door rang. The Horrorland knick-knacks within it looked a bit scarce over the years but human kids still came to get them.

The first born of the owner of The Chiller House; Zach Chiller, thought of the house as a pathetic place for mortals to buy cheap and not-scary-at-all souvenirs. He thought it was quite useless to run a place like this.

   Especially since the actual living beings in the book he was in (a.k.a: this one) were the monsters.

   The humans in the manuscript were only soulless beings and side characters but his father; Jonathan Chiller thought of the shop and the human race within this book a lot differently than his son did.

   "ZACH!!" Dini-Hoo screeched as she ran past the shelves of skulls and 'fake' jars of blood.

Jonathan, his back facing Dini-Hoo, spun around quickly after he heard her shouting his son's name with panic.

"What happened?" He asked softly, dropping the Horror doll into one of the gift boxes beside him and

   Dini-Hoo was breathing hard as she stopped in front of the older man. "Panic Park... was under... Attack." She managed to pant out.

"Wait, WHAT?!" An angry male teenage voice shouted from another room.

Out of nowhere, a bedroom door revealed itself and opened beside Dini-Hoo. Out came from it was a mad figure that stopped for a bit underneath the doorway.

It was Zach Chiller.

   His brown eyes narrowed with fury. He wore a dark green tuxedo with a neatly tied black tie. His hazel-coloured hair was messy and his long brown boots had green slime underneath them. He was breathing hard, he looked as if he's been running more than Dini-Hoo.

For your information, he was the total opposite of his father. He was always short-tempered like The Haunted Mask instead and was a whole lot of crazy when it came to weapons like classic serial killers.

   But even though he can be a douchebag, he also cared for the abandoned, banished and not to mention hurt monsters.

   "Who attacked that park?!" He asked and yelled. He slammed his fist on the counter, making his half sister squeal in fear. "WHO?!"

"Calm down, my son," Jonathan asked, patting his son's shoulder.

Zach glared at his father while Jonathan only smiled. "We'll figure this out together, okay?"

Zach swiped Jonathan's hand off of his shoulder, the killer eyes of Reachel's father shining in his own. "No. You're staying here with Uncle Ned," Zach snapped.

"I don't want you messing around and getting all nice with strangers," he muttered under his breath.

Sure, Zach can be rude towards his father but he cares for his father very much in secret. At least, he tried to keep it a secret.

   Zach faced Dini-Hoo, more serious than angry. "I'll go get the gang."

He ran out of the house, leaving his father and sister behind. "He didn't mean to say it like that," she said, reassuring.

   With the movement of her hands, she reached the double silver clips near  her neck and flipped them upwards. She then held her furry head...

   ...and lifted it off of her neck without a care.

   That made her reveal her original face; blue cold eyes like her father and adorable rosey cheeks on her fair face. The top of her Horror costume slumped slightly off her human-like shoulders after she did so.

Jonathan smiled back and nodded. "I know," he said softly. "He's only worried about my safety." He shrugged and crossed his arms. "I am his only parent to him, you and your siblings after all." He waved his hand at the entrance. "You go on ahead, Dini-Hoo. You and the others have to find the culprit."

He narrowed his eyes, serious. "We don't want anyone else that's a hostile here in Horrorland entering here unexpectedly."

   Dini-Hoo nodded and ran out of the house and through the crowd of human children. Once she was completely out of sight, Jonathan grabbed a black remote control from under the counter and raised it at the entrance. He pressed the big red button and metal shutters quickly covered the entrance with a loud CLANK.

   "I'll be here-." Jonathan talked to himself as he turned to go to the other room. "-waiting for you, my son."

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