~•Chapter 11, {F L A S H B A C K: Before the Hall Meeting}•~

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   Wally was in his basement. A dusty old place filled with rotten potions, spell books and blueprints. He goes there when he's out of ideas or just plain worried.

   And plus, since Wally's a parent, a Monster parent, he had other things in mind...

   I mean, no one wants to die if they know what'll happen to them at the end of the day if they had sinned so much. I Guess you guys might be thinking that's what Wally's been thinking for the past four hours.

   But no. He wasn't afraid of death. At least not yet. The main thing that he's worrying about,..

   ...Was his Son and Daughter: Splinter The Ventriloquist Dummy and Treena Wood the Ventriloquist Dummy.

   The reason why he's worried for his children more than himself it's because he's thinking who should he leave Splinter and Treena with under care when he's.... gone.

   He remembered Prince Chappy's expression when he was told that his Father,Wally's Brother, was killed. He cried so hard and that worried Wally so much. He could imagine his own kids crying like that when he's gone.

   Wally was sitting at the dustiest corner of the room. There were broken beer bottles beside him and some that were still full of alcohol on his left. He stole them since *he was banned from the bar after trying to drug himself to death years back.

   *But that's another story...

   He took one with a very shaky wooden hand. So shaky it looked as if he was about to shatter another bottle but he managed to grip it firmly.

   His glassy eyes, blood-shot and glowing green of stress and anger. They twitched in exhaustion.

   'Heck, how expired is this again..?' Wally thought as he stared at the bottle's expiry date. 'Oh, truck it. I'm drinking this thing...'

   And with that thought in his already-filled thick-headed head, he pulled the bottle cap wrapper, tossed it aside and instantly gulped down the alcohol with huge dangerous gulps.

   The expired liquid stinged his throat badly but that was what he wanted. His eyes lit up brighter than before. Green tear-like ooze appeared at the corners of his tired eyes, yet he continued to increase the pain from drinking the dang alcohol from his wooden throat to his nonexistent intestines and other nonexistent internal organs.

   He drank, and drank, and drank. Drank so much until he halted. He wasn't very high (even after more than twenty bottles of expired beer), but he felt dizzy as hell.

   The flame in his eyeballs burned the outside and inside of his wooden sockets badly. You can see the black of burnt wood around it. It was lit up by Wally's fiery emotions and seriously expired alcohol(for more than 34 years, actually...). Wally looks as if he's a ghost dummy because of it.

   The Ventriloquist Dummy was ready to cry his eyes out but stopped when he heard soft footsteps coming down the basement stairs. It soon became louder and louder until it's closer to him,... infront of him... then and a soft soothing voice questioning him after.

   "Daddy? A-are you okay, Daddy..?"

   Wally looked up. His vision was quite blurry and hazy but noticed his daughter's green comfortable sweater she always wear, her glowing blue pupil and her messy blond hair flowing behind her. Even with those stuff Wally took note on, the shiny golden heart locket that was given to Treena by her Mother caught his faded eyes more.

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