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   Hello! Your friendly and crazy Neighbourhood maniac here! Like the title said, there would be sneak peaks for (not the next chapter after this!) future chapters!

   Before we get started, me and one of my closest friends here in WattPad (a.k.a:6SmileGirl ) had been roleplaying for a while (A month or more 😂) and I've gotten names of other relatable monsters from her! (Example: I don't just have Ruby, Stryka, Slash, Jeanette and Rascal for siblings but I've got two other younger siblings named Craziac and Rose!)

   I've been having a lot of trouble with Writers block (because of freaking school) but thankfully, I've got ideas and I (Guess) am ready to think of the future for this book!

   So! Here're the sneak peaks! Enjoy!

   P.S: If any of you guys want to request a chapter with your idea, please feel free to PM me!

"Our parents are hiding something from us. Do they want us to die or something?"
"Hello...! I-I'm... Bryonn and Bella's younger sibling..."
"Who was that guy?! He looked like Slenderman!"

"What? No. Sure, he looked the same height but he's too colourful and no. I'm not talking about one of Slenderman's brothers, for God sake."
"This is where the war will be held. We don't have enough time. Call the alliance!"

"But sir, they-."


"....th-they were all murdered, sir..."
"Mommy? Are we going to die...? Just like Daddy....?"

"No no no, sweetie. W-we're going to survive, okay? Mommy's got you."

"Then why are you crying?"
"Enough! I'm ssssssso done with this! Tell us where the Phosifist is or I'll ssssssslice your throat!

"You're all goners. I'll never tell you when you're all going to die anyway."
"As the co-co-ruler of Egypt, I command you to tell me where's my Sister!"

"....dude, I'm right here."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I....I don't want to live anymore..."

   Okay! That's enough to keep you all thinking!

   Maniac OUT! XD

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