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Jimin's P.O.V

‏I tilt my head to the side before bringing my hands up and rubbing my eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the morning light that's coming in through my window.

I let out a small dissatisfied noise before pulling my blanket over my head and closing my eyes again. Definitely regretting staying up so late to watch cartoons. Just as I began to fall back asleep I hear my mum screaming for me outside my door.

‏"Jimin! Get up right this second we have something important to announce!"

‏I let out a small noise as I stretch before climbing out of my warm bed, and quickly pulling on my sweatpants because, well, being in a cold room wearing nothing but your underwear and a shirt, isn't the best thing in the world.

‏I make my way downstairs, my pink hair sticking up in every direction, I'm not a big fan of my hair, but after 16 years I'm quite used to it, it's been already two months since I dyed it pink and I don't regret it at all.

‏As I get to the bottom of the stairs I trip, something I do quite often, but I catch myself before I fall on my face.

‏I make my way to the kitchen and sit down at the table where my mom has served everyone breakfast. I live with my mom and my step dad, I have a sister too, named Jisoo, but she's in university and usually only visits on the holidays.

‏"Jimin..." My mother starts, making me look up at her while taking a bite of my toast.

‏"What?" I mumble with the piece of toast in my mouth, genuinely curious. We usually don't talk much at breakfast, but she did say she had something to announce.

‏"Jimin, we will be having a guest coming over tomorrow."

‏I keep staring at her curiously, whats so serious about having a guest?

‏"He'll be staying with us for quite a while, and you're sharing a room"

‏"Uhm, okay mum, but why? there is the guest room"

‏She rolls her eyes and I frown, taking another bite of my toast. Really what's so special about this guest and why do we have to share my room it's already kind of small.

‏"Because, Jimin. His parents are sending him here and they, and us, think it would be a good idea for him to spend time with someone, like you."

‏"Like me?" what does she mean like me?

‏"You know, well behaved, good manners, polite." She states, getting up and grabbing her plate, along with everyone else's and I whine, quickly grabbing my other piece of toast before she can take it away.

‏"So, since he's coming tomorrow," She turns around from doing the dishes, grabbing a towel and wiping her hands on it. "I want you to clean your room, and move it around a bit, we'll be bringing in a second bed so there needs to be plenty of room"

‏I open my mouth to say something, but close it. I know there's no point in arguing.

‏"Yes, mum." I say, before making my way upstairs to begin cleaning my room, eating my toast on the way.

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