Desert Rose

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Desert Rose

A/N: Even though I fully support Dramoine....this doesn't involve them. Its the cannon couples...sorry.

Hope you enjoy anyway though :/

Perhaps this future couple's 'song' could be All I need by Within Temptation.

Some should recognize the song. The one that played when Elena&Damon danced in the Miss Mystic Falls episode. I don't approve of that couple >:[

Rose Weasley sat up in her bed at the Burrow. She'd be starting her seventh year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry in two weeks. Her red hair was stuck to her face and straightened out. Hugo was the one that inherited the frizzy hair from their mum, which, Rose was silently thankful for.

"Rose W. Weasley you better get your butt downstairs." Her younger brother Hugo, a soon to be fifth year taunted as he passed her door.

The clatter of pots and pans confirmed her brother's teasing and Rose left her room in a sleepy haze.

"Ron! I said not to mess with anything!" Hermione Weasley scolded her ignorant husband, "You'll wake your mother."

"Too late." Molly said as she entered the kitchen. "Ronald Bilius Weasley what have you done to my kitchen?"

"Tried to help with breakfast, mum." Ron said somberly.

Molly tsked and glanced at Rose, "Why good morning Rose! I imagine Hugo woke you up. I'll be taking you two to Diagon Alley for your school shopping as soon as you're dressed and we have breakfast." She turned to speak to Hermione and start fixing breakfast.

Rose exchanged a glance with her father and giggled at his expression. She sauntered upstairs to shower and get changed.

"Hugo! I hope you're ready to travel by the Floo Network!" Rose taunted. She knew very well that Hugo was terrified of the Network and would rather take a portkey, much to her dislike. She waited a moment and heard her brother quietly swear before emerging from his room. They were both dressed in muggle clothing; jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers.

"Ginny!" Hermione exclaimed from downstairs as her sister in law pulled herself out of the fire. Harry, Albus, and Lily followed, brushing coals off their clothes. James Potter, the eldest Potter son, was off working as an auror in the Ministry of Magic.

"Hi Albus!" Rose greeted her cousin with a friendly hug. Albus Potter was one of her best friends after Harper Brown.

"Hey Rose. Hugo." Albus greeted. The black haired teen was taller than Rose now and his green eyes gleamed with happiness from being with family.

"Don't forget about us!" Lily squeaked, putting her hands on her hips. She was closer to Hugo then she was to Rose.

Breakfast started soon after The Potters' arrival and Molly gathered up her grandchildren right after.

"Deposit the powder in the fireplace, step in and then say 'Diagon Alley!' Don't choke like Harry did years back and say something else. You don't know where you'll end up that way!" Molly said as she handed portions of the powder to each of the kids. "Rose first. Go to Flourish and Blotts when you arrive, dear."

Rose nodded and stepped through first, "Diagon Alley!" she shouted. The last thing she saw was Hugo's terrified look and then the wind was in her face, forcing her to close her eyes. Rose stepped out of a fireplace at Florean Fortescue's Ice cream parlour, perfectly intact.

"Sorry." Rose apologized as she narrowly missed someone. She bumped into a cloaked figure, "I'm s-" Her apology was cut short as she glared five inches up at the face of Scorpius Malfoy.

"Figures. A stupid half-blood is making a commotion." Scorpius scoffed. He was so like his father! He sounded the same way Hermione described Draco.

"Can it Scorpius." Rose said warily, her wand was in her back pocket, even if she couldn't use it out of school until she was seventeen.

"What are you going to do? Get your mudblood mother on me?" Scorpius sneered.

He didn't expect it when Rose's right fist connected with his left cheekbone.

"What's going on here?" asked a taller man as he strode forward. His white blonde hair matched his son's and his similar gray eyes landed on Rose.

"She hit me!" Scorpius complained, clutching his cheek more dramatically than he should.

"And you called my mother a mudblood!" Rose hissed

"Rose Weasley!" Molly yelled as she entered Florean's. "What have you done to Scorpius?"

"I punched him in the face." Rose said quietly before turning around and stalking out into the busy street. She could hear Scorpius snickering at her as he passed with his father towards the Leaky Cauldron exit. She sighed and closed her eyes as she followed Molly into Flourish and Blott's.

"Get your books." Molly instructed, stiffly. She never was one for fights.

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