Desert Rose 15; Part 2 the end

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A/N: Its the end of Desert Rose. 15 chapters and the most amazing people reading them. I could sit here giving thanks to everyone(individually) and I think I will.


Thanks to dramasstuff for the help. I think we're secretly related the way we share the same train of thoughts.

Thanks to lvross9 for the advertising. You are super nice and I'm glad to talk to you.

Thanks to [ari]marauder for sometimes being the first to read. The little emotes you leave in the comments amuse me.

Thanks to new readers. Have fun(:


KIRA! I freaking love you! Stop being a lazy butt and write.

Spells found at

"This is where your job ends inspector." The Ministry contact told Humphrey.

"I don't believe so. I do happen to be more observant than you are." Humphrey replied, crossly.

Louis snorted in laughter, "He has a point."

The contact grumbled before nodding his agreement to let Humphrey continue to investigate.

The plan had been easily enough formed in the facts Rose's phoenix had delivered.

"I'm going to kill that bloody bugger." Ron threatened.

Scorpius's P.O.V;;

I felt like s.hit. What had Rose thought about our snog in the forest? She probably thought that I was trying to distract her in the forest. But I just wanted to snog-er-hold her one more time.

Harper had offered me a tempting offer over the summer; after Rose had punched me in the face. I could redeem my family's name under Voldemort. We could be feared.

Harper and I had nothing to do with the dragons in the ministry, but we stole one just in case.

"Scorpius." Harper called. She pulled me away from her thoughts as she started her 'seductive' walk towards me.

"Yes?" I replied. I held her gaze before she turned to look at the crashing water.

"Once Harry Potter's here we can start. And then the praise will rain." Harper said cheerfully. Sometimes I didn't understand the girl. "It shouldnt be long now." She turned towards Rose, who was on her knees chained to the wall. Her head was down and I could only vaguely hear her shallow breathing.

"Weasley! How long do you think it will take?"


Rose didn't reply. She only raised her head to pin a glare at Scorpius and Harper.

"What is the half blood still doing here?" Draco Malfoy scoffed as he appeared behind his son.

"Wait unt-" Rose started but was interrupted.

"CRUCIO!" Draco yelled, pointing his wand at Rose. She cringed and screamed. Her pale face flushed red from the rush of blood to her face. Draco chuckled.

"That's how you take care of those on the lower blood scale, Scorpius." Draco put a hand on his son's shoulder. "Sorry you had to see that just now." Before he left to return to Malfoy Manor, he used the Cruciatus curse against Rose once more. He left her screaming while he laughed.

"Please Harry!" Hermione begged as tears streamed down her cheeks. "We'd do it for anyone of your children!"

Harry was a bit hesitant to go save Rose. Ginny refused to participate in trying to reason with Harry.

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