Desert Rose 9; Way to mess with Hope Parkinson

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Desert Rose 9; Way to mess with Hope Parkinson

A/N: Since I usually watch TV or listen to my Itunes while I write chapters those usually influence the chapter. Just a random note.

Scorpius's P.O.V.;;

I haven't spoken to Rose since yesterday, when Hope interrupted us. Hope hasn't spoken to me either, and right now she is blatantly ignoring me by talking to Zabini.

"Brown with Zabini, Parkinson with Chang, Potter with Fletwock, and Weasley with Malfoy." Professor Slughorn announced. I was about to groan about who I was partnered with until I realized it was Rose. I walked to our table and took a seat. Rose followed me and sat down with a small smirk playing on my lips.

"Rose I need to talk to you." I stated. She ignored my plea and opened her potions book. "Rose."

"Scorpius." She repeated, mimicking a childish tone. Her eyes never looked up at me. They stayed focused on either the book or Slughorn. Slughorn announced what we were making for the day and proceeded to walk around the classroom.

I leaned in towards Rose, "What page?"

"132. Should have been paying attention, Malfoy." Rose said as she crushed some sort of nut into her cauldron.

I smirked as I flipped to the page. "I see, Weasley. Thanks for the information." I started the potion and didn't speak for a moment.

"How do you cut this?" Rose asked me holding up a garlic-resembling spice. I smiled at my opportunity and stepped behind her. I propped my chin on her shoulder, and my hands went over hers.

"Scorpius." Rose warned

"Rose." I repeated calmly as I led her to cut up the spice. I placed a kiss right below her ear before pulling away and finishing my work.

The rest of the week was a drag since I didn't sit or stand near Rose. Also, Hope seemed keen on making sure I didn't fancy Rose anymore. I finally made her stop the day of our Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. Hopefully the toast Rose and I made last week would hold through.

"Good Luck, Malfoy." Ivan said from his place next to me in the Great Hall.

"You too, Zabini." I replied, pulling my gloves on. I had eaten two plates of waffles in my excitement.

"Good luck with your lady troubles too." Ivan grinned at me before walking away. I didn't know what he was talking about until Rose came and took his place.

"Hi Scorpius." Rose greeted. She looked spectacular this morning. She was wearing muggle clothing like everyone else who wasn't playing, but hers actually looked decent.

"Hollyhead Harpies fan?" I asked with a smile, examining her shirt.

She blushed and nodded. "My aunt got me to be a fan. Since she used to play for them." Rose replied while she fixed the strap on my glove.

"My mum is a fan also. Well, used to be. Until you punched me." I said, touching the spot where the bruise had been. It had faded away weeks ago.

"Then you have no excuse to hold my hand to your face." Rose said, referring to the incident on the first day of classes.

I nodded. I'd come up with a different way. My hand touched her cheek before pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. Rose grabbed my hand with a sigh and pulled it off her cheek.

"This is not going to work, Scorpius." Rose said seriously.

"You're still holding me hand." I pointed out. "And what won't work?"

Rose's P.O.V.;;

I bit my bottom lip as I looked down at our hands. His palms were calloused from years of Quidditch and probably bench-pressing. The strand of hair Scorpius had just pushed back fell forward once more. I let go of his hand and looked around. The other Slytherins seemed to be ignoring us and some Ravenclaws were leaning in with interest.

Scorpius's hand found my cheek again and sneaked into my hair behind my ear. Scorpius always seemed to catch me by surprise. He leaned in and kissed my lips in front of the whole Great Hall. My mind blanked with that kiss. It wasn't trying to convince like Scorpius's previous kisses, it was more intimate. In a way. I heard a vague whistle and cheer and then an ear-piercing shriek before I was ripped from Scorpius. I looked up at a p.issed Hope Parkinson. Her face was red from the tip of her chin to the roots in her hair.

"What are you doing with my boyfriend!?!" Hope screamed at me.

"Boyfriend? Hardly." I replied as I stood.

"I should kill you half breed!" Hope said pulling out her wand.

"Hope!" Scorpius yelled as Hope uttered those two terrifying words.

"Avada Kedavra!" Hope yelled.

For the second time that morning my mind blacked out, and not in a good way.

"Hope Parkinson!" Professor McGonagall yelled.

My eyes stayed open for a little bit before I shut them for good. Rose Weasley no more.

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