Desert Rose 10; The End not so close

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Chapter 10; The End not so close.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. Picking classes for next year & had to gets shots. I believe next week...from Wednesday to Sunday I will be gone. On vacation. So nothing new then if there's anything left by then. On another note, Madam Pomfrey probably sounds mental in this chapter. I probably am and this is most likely not magically, physically, mathematically, or scientifically possible in the Wizarding World. But it happened in my story. You'll know what I mean. Last chapter had to be the best cliffhanger I have ever written. I assure you. I'm taking up your time. Go read.


"WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER!?" Hermione Weasley screeched hysterically. She had just entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by apparating outside the grounds. They had temporarily shut down apparating into Hogwarts for whatever reason.

"Hermione..." Ron tried to calm his wife while holding back tears himself.

"DON'T /Hermione/ ME!" Hermione said in anguish. Hot tears ran down her cheeks as she pressed her face to Ron's shoulder. She shuddered and Ron awkwardly patted her back.

"Teddy!" Ron bellowed as he saw his future nephew in law.

Teddy turned, his hair an ugly shade of brown from the grief. "Ron..."

"Where's our daughter?" Ron asked.

"The hospital wing." Teddy said, "I'll take you."

"Mum! Dad!" Hugo exclaimed running down the corridor. His eyes were bloodshot from crying, his throat burned from screaming. His only sister...only sibling..

"Hugo." Hermione said, leaving Ron and pulling her son into a tight hug.

"Rose can't be gone, mum. She just can't." Hugo mumbled into Hermione's sweater. He joined his parents on the walk to the hospital wing. There were candles lit in the wing and the Potter and Weasley children were sitting together by the door, not daring to go near Rose. In fact, no one was near her. Except for Madam Pomfrey.

Hermione turned towards the sound of a muffle cry, and noted Scorpius Malfoy in the corner, covering his face.

"Scorpius." Hermione said quietly. Ron squeezed the blonde boy on the shoulder. Scorpius looked at Rose's parents. Rose inherited most of her physical features from Ron but had a note of compassion that Hermione seemed to possess.

"Its all my fault." Scorpius said. He cleared his throat and more tears came down.

Madam Pomfrey looked slightly grim as she bustled around Rose's bed.

Ron was terrified to go forward. He wouldn't be able to hold on to a strong front for his wife and other child.

"Let's not go for a moment." Hermione begged Ron. Ron looked at her brown eyes and nodded. They sat on the floor together. Ron's arm rested on Hermione's shoulders as she cried into his shoulder.

Teddy shifted uncomfortably in the corridor outside the hospital wing.

"Teddy!" Victoire exclaimed as she hurried down the hall. She hugged Teddy upon contact. "What happened? I was rushed out of the house and didn't hear much information. Everyone is flooing and the network is clogged at the moment. I apparated by myself."

Teddy smiled weakly at her, "Rose was struck by the Killing Curse."

"By who?" Victoire asked as tears filled her eyes.

"Another student. Hope Parkinson. Rose and Scorpius had been snogging and before you know it there was a scream and Rose's body it the floor." Teddy said softly. He looked behind Victoire and saw the whole Potter/Weasley clan rushing towards the Hospital Wing. All other students were forced into their common rooms and locked with some enchantments. Hope Parkinson was being dealt with by the Ministry.

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