Desert Rose 13; Rendezvouz

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A/N;If I ended this whole story with "The world may never know, would I get mentally slapped? Really short. Sorry, but it gears you up for chapter 14!

Rose had tossed and turned all night in excitement for her rendezvous with Scorpius. Rose was ready by nine thirty and left soon after. Diagon Alley was quiet but would surely be bustling in the next few hours. Rose scanned the stores and decided on Quality Quidditch Supplies. She quickly found the perfect gift, new Quidditch gloves, and had Scorpius's initials monogrammed on them. It was closer to eleven so she payed for the gift and left the store, whistling. The only noises were the occasional ring of a store bell and Rose's whistling. Where was Scorpius?

"Rose!" Scorpius called, "There you are." He jogged up to her, his pale cheeks pink.

"Hi Scorpius." Rose greeted with a smile. His reply was a peck on the lips.

"I've missed you." Scorpius said with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Rose asked, examining his expression.

"Nothing." A low, indistinguishable voice from behind her said.

Before Rose could turn around, her head was struck with something hard, and everything went black for Rose.

Scorpius's P.O.V;;

I picked up the box Rose had been carrying and pulled the lid off. Inside were a pair of new Quidditch gloves just for me. Even my initials were on them.

"You won't want those." The masked figure that had struck Rose, spoke. "Not with her mudblood hands being all over them. Throw them away Scorpius."

I obeyed and tossed the box into the nearest trash receptacle. When Rose's assailant wasn't paying attention, It ucked the gloves into my coat.

"What now?" I asked. The weather was getting colder.

"Carry her. Her family will want her back sometime."

I nodded and gently picked up Rose's unconscious body. My companion opened up the Floo network once we reached a discreet location. Azkaban prison, here we come.

Rose's P.O.V.;;

I came to sometime later. My head throbbed but I knew that was the least of my worries. It was dark and damp, and the muscles in my arms hurt. I tried to pull my arms closer to my body but realized I was shackled to the stone wall. A scream was lodged in my throat when I realized where I was. Azkaban prison. Footsteps were coming. And I dropped my gaze and feigned sleep. Scorpius looked at me from the other sides of the cell bars and said something I didn't hear. I only caught the last part. 'Sorry'.

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