Desert Rose 4: The Hospital wing and the start of something

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Desert Rose 4; The Hospital wing and the start of something.

A/N: Gahhhh, Im so sorry! In the first chapter I said Rose was starting her seventh year, which she is. Then in chapter 2 I said she was fifteen. SHE'S NOT FIFTEEN! I meant to say she was sixteen. forgive me for the slip of my mind. Enjoy this chapter! I don't update on weekends because thats me time(:

"Rose! Is she okay?" Teddy asked as he ran into the hospital wing. Albus, Lily, and Hugo were already there along with Harper, Hope and Scorpius.

"I'm /fine/." Rose argued as Madam Pomfrey kept her pinned to the bed with her wand. Madam Pomfrey put her wand back into her apron pocket, giving Rose a warning glare. Rose rested back on the bed.

"She fell off a hippogriff last class." Scorpius informed Teddy.

"What are you doing here?" Teddy asked Scorpius. He didn't take very kindly to the Malfoys since Bellatrix had killed his mother.

"For your information, son-of-a-wolf, I was the one who caught her." Scorpius retorted.

"Scorpius." Madam Pomfrey warned.

"I'll ignore that Malfoy since you saved Rose." Teddy said.

Hermione apparated in with Ron at her heels.

"Oh Rose!" She gushed as she rushed to the bed and hugged Rose. "Are you alright?!"

"Rosie, where does it hurt?" Ron asked, scared to the bones for his eldest child.

"I'm fine mum and dad." Rose argued as Hermione continued to examine her. Hermione nodded and faced Scorpius. She pulled him into a tight hug, "Oh thank you Scorpius!"

"Thanks Scorpius." Ron said, for once in his life relieved that a Malfoy had been someplace.

Scorpius shifted uncomfortably. He had just insulted this nice woman a few weeks back. "N-No problem." Scorpius said patting Hermione on the back.

She let go and spoke with Madam Pomfrey and Ron.

"She's perfectly fine Mrs. Gr-Weasley. And Mr. Weasley. Mr. Weasley, you've been in here enough times to know I do my best work." Madam Pomfrey assured as she unstrapped Rose with her wand. "Get back to class students. You can go Professor. You too Hermione. Ron also."

Teddy nodded and walked back to his class with Hope and Harper flocking at his sides.

"Oh Teddy! You will come to dinner tonight, won't you? Victoire will be there." Hermione reminded.

"Right." Teddy said, "I'll be there."

Rose walked behind everyone with Scorpius. He had graciously insisted that he hold her things in case she wasn't feeling well again.

"I'm sorry for hitting you in the face." Rose said quietly as they climbed the stairs. She stopped, looking at his fading bruise. Her hands held his face as he stood still for her to examine him. Rose turned his face and gingerly touched the bruise.

Scorpius scowled when she lightly pressed down on the lightly colored mass.

"Sorry." Rose said before letting her hands drop.

"The problem with you, half blood, is that you are always apologizing." Scorpius said as he captured her hand and raised it to his bruised cheek once more. He closed his eyes with a sigh. "Your hands are cold. It feels good against my skin..."

They stood together in the stairway for a few moments. Rose looked at Scorpius, noting his gray eyes and her eyes dropped to his pink lips. When her eyes moved back to his Scorpius started to lean in.

"Class is over." Rose said abruptly, pulling her hand away. She took her things, "Thanks again Malfoy. See you in potions." she left him and climbed a different tower to Ancient Runes. Was Scorpius about to kiss her there in the corridor?

Whoot whoot ;)

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