Desert Rose Chapter 3: Rose rides a Hippogriff

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A/N: I feel like Rose is such a delicate character. Her mind set is so fragile and tough at the same time. I think she shares some traits with Harry even though there isn't any biological connection between them. I don't know how it happened and I've rewritten this chapter a few times never quite satisfied with how it goes down. But I have finally settled I suppose....Harper's character is annoying :'[ Kinda like her mother...there I go, insulting characters' mothers again. -sigh- I hope you like it, sorry for the long note. Oh and Crookshanks is only half kneazle. I haven't yet had the pleasure of reading the beast book for HP that was released but I spent some time on J.K. Rowling's site & HP wiki.

The next morning at breakfast a few dozen owls came in dropping off packages. Mostly for the first years. And Rose waited patiently for James' owl, Regulus, a brown barn owl, to arrive. He arrived last with a large package and dropped it in front of Rose before perching on her shoulder.

"Thank you, Regulus." Rose said, smoothing his feathers as he softly hooted at her. "Yes, yes, you can rest in the owlery before I reply." Regulus left her then, following some of the other owls to the owlery. Rose and Hugo had adopted their mother's kneazle/cat, Crookshanks, up until his death at the end of last year's term. He had been hit by a door Ron had slammed. Purely accidental. When their uncle George came to the funeral he had simply laughed and muttered something about Crookshanks always being in the way. Then received a glare from Hermione. Hugo was the only one who wanted to replace the beloved pet with an owl, but never followed through on the wish.

"Well open it!" Harper encouraged before taking the package and opening the letter on top.

"Dear Rose, take care of these and make sure my dad doesn't know you have these. He'd kill me once he finds they're missing. But he won't know you have them! Sorry Teddy couldn't take these to you, I got distracted with a tricky centaur. Be careful, James." Harper read quietly, so only she and Rose could hear. Rose took the package back and opened it on the bench between them. There was nothing inside! Rose slowly stuck her hand inside and heard the soft crunch of parchment on cardboard. The invisibility cloak slipped and two pieces of parchment revealed themselves with the cloak. She picked up the one with writing on top. "Rose, pick up the empty parchment. Tap it with your wand and say 'I swear I am up to no good.' things should appear. When you're done with the Marauder's map simply tap it with your wand again and say 'mischief managed.' I also included the invisibility cloak. Perfect for late meetings. Even Harper could fit under there with you. Albus too. -James" Rose put the parchment back in and resealed the package.

"Upstairs." Rose said pulling Harper up with her.

"But my french toast!" Harper argued stuffing a piece in her mouth and carrying another in her hands.

"Harper! There you are. I didn't see you yesterday.." Albus said catching up to them. "Where are you guys going?"

"You too then." Rose said, clutching the package and beckoning Albus to follow her back to Gryffindor common room. No one was there but them since they were all still at breakfast.

"James sent me the Marauder's map and the invisibility cloak. Then yesterday Teddy told me Hagrid wants to see me tonight. I imagine he means you two too since James said that both of you guys could fit under it with me." Rose said quickly.

"He gave you that stuff? I was supposed to get it!" Albus complained. His brother always did this to him.

Rose looked sympathetic, "Sorry Al."

"Classes are starting soon." Harper said gulping down her french toast. The blonde haired girl turned to Albus, "You were looking for me Al?"

Rose looked between them and realized what was going on. How did she not notice before? The shy looks they gave each other behind her back, and when she caught them, they looked away. Rose felt left out and moved to put the package under her bed. She peeked from behind the doorway that lead to the common room from the girls' dorms and watched as Albus and Harper shared a short kiss and then blush, looking away from each other.

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