Desert Rose 5; Meeting at Hagrid's and a falling out

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Desert Rose 5; Meeting at Hagrid's and a falling out

A/N: Early chapter because I dont want to b hated for a day. Personally, I dont like this chapter much. but oh well.

The usually interesting class dragged on for Rose and she found herself thinking of Scorpius Malfoy. About his white blonde hair, gray eyes and pale featur-.

"Can you help me, Rose?" Amelia Chang asked, pulling Rose out of her reverie.

"Um, yeah." Rose agreed, turning to help Amelia.

"At least Scorpius was there in Care of Magical Creatures." The raven-haired Amelia said, her voice full of jealousy. Everyone knew that Amelia and Hope both had massive crushes on Scorpius.

"He saved my life." Rose said quietly with a nod as she pointed out the Runes and translations to Amelia. Why was this Ravenclaw asking? She never even liked Rose. Rose only spoke with Amelia when she wanted to talk with Harper while Rose was near.

"Is he strong?" Amelia asked, trying to act casual as she studied Rose's replies. It dawned on Rose then. She was missing everything lately. Amelia was trying to see if there was more competition for Scorpius. Rose felt a little mean at the moment and looked around before leaning in.

"Oh so very strong." Rose whispered to Amelia, "and when he holds you, its like you matter at the moment. I'm 110 pounds and he carried me as if I was as light as a feather."

Amelia was surprised Rose was confiding in her like this. "my... And his eyes?"

"Like tormented thunder clouds." Rose replied clutching her heart.

Amelia gasped before fainting.

Rose chuckled and the class ended. Amelia sat up after a quick shaking and followed Rose out.

"Where's Harper?" Amelia asked as they walked to Potions.

"I don't know. We haven't been speaking." Rose said.

A thought illuminated in Amelia's mind, "then we could be friends..."

Rose shrugged, "If you wish."

Professor Slughorn smiled at the class, "Rose Weasley are you alright from the incident this morning?"

Why was everyone asking this? She was perfectly fine. "I'm fine," Rose assured him, "my parents already know."

Slughorn nodded. "Albus! My boy, how are you?"

"I'm fine." Albus responded. Harper took a seat in Katie Fletwock's usual seat. Katie moved to Harper's seat next to Rose.

"And your dad?" Slughorn asked.

"Swell." Albus said with a smile before paying attention to Harper. Slughorn always ended up with that question to any of the Potters or Weasleys.

"No need to worry about seats now." Slughorn said waving his hand. "you'll be constantly rotating every day."

Hope gave Slughorn a glare from her seat next to Scorpius. Amelia simply looked too smug from behind her.

The class ended with Slughorn talking about Felix Felicis. The rest of the day went on without anything out of the ordinary.

The night came and Rose snuck out of bed with the cloak, her wand, the map, and a lantern.

She trotted out to the grounds and reached Hagrid's hut. "Hagrid!" Rose hissed as she pounded on the door.

"My bad, Rose." Hagrid said letting her in. Rose threw off the cloak and looked around the room. Teddy, James, and Victoire were sitting around Hagrid's table with large mugs of tea.

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