Desert Rose Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 here! Enjoy(:

They returned to the Burrow with their arms full of their school supplies and all separated to put them in their school trunks.

"What happened?" Ginny asked Molly in disbelief.

"Rose punched Scorpius Malfoy in the face." Molly repeated as she sat down at the kitchen table.

Hermione stood straighter and avoided Molly's gaze. Ron and Harry were overcome with laughter.

"What are you two laughing at?" Molly asked, upset she wasn't in on whatever funny thing she must have said.

"Its just that /Hermione/ punched Draco in the face in our third year." Ron said, still laughing.

Hermione turned red and left the kitchen. She was still proud that she had and was silently prouder of her daughter.

/two weeks later/

Platform 9 ¾ was packed with students ages eleven to seventeen all eager to go to Hogwarts.

"Now Rosie, my mum would skin me alive if you get into anymore trouble, so keep it silent if you are." Ron said quietly to Rose.

"Won won!" Lavender Brown squealed from across the platform.

Hermione groaned and rolled her eyes before Lavender walked up with her daughter Harper.

"Hi Harper." Rose greeted her good friend and roommate.

"Hi Rose." Harper greeted before dropping her voice to a whisper, "Is it true you punched Scorpius in the face in Florean Fortescue's?"

Rose nodded with a giggle.

Harper loved to gossip with Amelia Chang all the time. "How did you hear? Anything else you hear over the summer?" Rose asked. Might as well catch up on the school gossip ahead of time. No doubt she'd hear it all by the end of the week.

"His mum was shrieking when she heard. She half considered hunting down your mum to give her a piece of her mind but his dad convinced her not to. They live two doors down remember?" Harper confided, "I heard that Teddy Lupin will be teaching Defense against the Dark Arts. He is so attractive!"

Rose shook her head, "Harper, he has a girlfriend. My cousin, Victoire. Plus he's much older than you. Close to his mid-twenties. Victoire just left Hogwarts a few years back. They'll probably get married within the year."

Harper shrugged, "Doesn't hurt to dream." The girls giggled as the Hogwarts express pulled up and they boarded ahead of everyone else. Seventh Year's rights.

"Find a place for Rose." Scorpius told Harper as he grabbed Rose's elbow from behind.. Harper gave Rose a startled look before trying to find some seats.

"What do you want, Scorpius?" Rose hissed as he pulled her towards the back cars. She pulled her elbow free and still followed him after he gave her a scathing look. His pale cheek was a faint purple from the punch she had given him two weeks ago.

"What is she doing here, Scorpius?" Hope Parkinson demanded. The group of Slytherins turned their attention towards Scorpius and Rose.

Rose's hand went instinctively to her wand and held it behind her back.

"I need you to do something for me, Hope." Scorpius said pulling Rose's wand from her hands and binding her hands together at the wrists with both of his hands.

Desert RoseWhere stories live. Discover now