Desert Rose 6; Transfer Students

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Chapter 6; Transfer Students

A/N: Short chapter today....Don't hate me. But get this! You get a WHOLE chapter for Hogsmeade & The Quidditch match. A whole weekend! Don't hate me(:

I didn't update yesterday! Two reasons. One, I gave you double chapters Tuesday. Two, I sorta caught up to myself, since I write ahead...So I took the day to write and just finished Chapter 7 this morning. So yeah. No more double chapters.

The next few weeks went by with Rose alone most of the time. The only times she wasn't alone was in class and when she helped another student with their homework. The first trip to Hogsmeade came the second week of October.

"We go to Hogsmeade tomorrow!" Katie Fletwock, squealed next to Rose at lunch that chilly Friday. "Then the first Quidditch match Sunday! Gryffindor is going to squash Hufflepuff. Right, Rose?" Katie was competitive when it came down to Quidditch. And Potions.

"Yes." Rose agreed with a smile. She was Gryffindor seeker, narrowly beating Albus for the spot three weeks ago. The team had decided on Katie as captain.

The doors were pushed open and the students quieted down. In walked two new students. Rose noted the subtle beauty of the girl as she walked towards the head table. A certain air of elegance followed after her as the boys started after her. Rose's attention turned to the boy that followed her. He was good-looking to say at the least and he walked with excellent posture.

"Students," McGonagall said, calling the attention to herself, "I'd like to present two transfer students. Kira Redbane from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Ivan Zabini from Durmstrang. We will sort them now, be kind."

Professor Longbottom handed McGonagall the Sorting Hat, who spun a woeful tale about great distances and the loss of love. Most people thought the Hat was loony now.

Kira sat on the stool first and put her hands in her lap. The Sorting Hat was placed on her blonde mane of hair.

"Hmm...cunning, resourceful...Slytherin!" The Sorting Hat announced.

There were hoots, whistles and cheering from the Slytherins.

Ivan stepped up and faced the students. The Sorting Hat was placed once more.

"Brave, cunning, hard worker, cleverness....hard to place this one....Slytherin!" The Sorting Hat announced after a few minutes of indecision.

Slytherin House cheered once more. They had gained two new students in the event of the morning.

Breakfast ended and the first two classes went by quickly. Potions was starting to be Rose's favourite subject, just because of the seat switching.

"Malfoy, next to Brown today; Chang next to Parkinson; Zabini next to Potter; Redbane next to Weasley..." Slughorn said (to name a few).

Rose sat straighter next to Kira. She just couldn't compare to the exotic female.

"Hi Weasley." Kira greeted as her gray eyes went over Rose. Rose's blue did the same to Kira until their eyes met and they laughed.

"Its Rose Weasley." Rose said with a smile, "what are you? The guys can't take their eyes off of you."

"I'm half veela. I imagine you've heard of zem because its a little hard to describe." Kira explained, "And what are you?"

"My aunt is half veela."

"I zee." Kira said with a nod, "boys must fancy you anyways. The red hair zuits you."

"Thanks Kira." Rose said as Slughorn started his lesson on Everlasting Elixirs.

"You will need to know everything that you have learned for the past six years for your N.E.W.T." Slughorn said, "now brew some elixirs with your partners!"

Rose stood with Kira and read off the directions as Kira followed them.

Albus sighed as Zabini worked ahead of him. Albus didn't like him and wished he could have any other partner besides him.

"Ugh, Scorpius. You need to work!" Harper complained

Potions finished and Rose walked out, chatting with her new friend.

By the end of dinner, they were well acquainted with each other.

"That is terrible." Kira commented as they walked slowly to Gryffindor tower.

Rose shrugged, "It hurt but I'll be better one day. Here it is. See you tomorrow Kira."

Kira gave her a sympathetic look as Harper walked up.

"Hi Rose. Um, Kira?" Harper greeted

"Hi Harper." Rose returned. An awkward silence followed.

"I must be going, I don't know the password." Kira said, leaving as quick as she could to not get caught in the crossfire. "See you tomorrow Rose!"

"Made a new best friend?" Harper asked casually, the hurt clear in her voice.

Rose's shoulders went up then down. "Just met her today."

Harper nodded, "we met five years ago."

Rose smiled as they walked behind the portrait of the fat lady. "Goodnight Harper." Rose said as she walked to her new dorm. She had moved into a dorm with only one occupant. Katie Fletwock.

"Hey Rose. I heard we're going to have a pop quiz in Herbology Monday. Longbottom's got it out for us until Christmas break." Katie said. She had her Herbology book, One thousand magical herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore.

"Why are you studying now? There's Hogsmeade tomorrow and the game Sunday. Plenty of time after that." Rose said as she changed into her pajamas.

"I like to spend my Saturdays free of studying. And Sunday, if we win then the whole house will be celebrating for a good part of the night, and I'd like to join in that." Katie pointed out before she continued reading.

Rose nodded, slipping into her bed. She talked with Katie more, listening to the noise in the common room die down. Pretty soon she was asleep and dreaming of the Burrow.

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