Desert Rose 8; Another incident

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Desert Rose 8; Another Incident

A/N: WHOA! Steamy snog fest last chapter! <3

Now I'm starting to think this story won't last long. But it must!

Finished moving! Yay, more chapters. But I sort of feel like the next few are a bit of a bust. :/

Rose walked into the Great Hall alone. She had only overslept a tiny bit but everyone had left already. She had stayed up half the night thinking about the kiss she had shared with Scorpius. It /had/ been nice. Her gaze stayed on Gryffindor's table; she was afraid that if she made eye contact with Scorpius the resolve she had built up last night would crumble.

"Rose!" Teddy called as he walked up behind her, "Sadly more has happened. Bill's been injured. Hagrid's. Tonight. Nine sharp. Don't be late. Good Luck on your Herbology quiz."

Rose watched as Teddy walked away and groaned. She had completely forgotten about the Herbology quiz! Good thing Herbology wasn't until after lunch.

"Finally up, mademoiselle sommeil (madam sleep)." Kira greeted from her seat next to Katie.

"What are you doing, sitting here?" Rose asked as she looked around and sat next to Kira.

"McGonagall doesn't seem to mind." Kira replied, "plus Katie iz going to take my place and zit next to Ivan. They are very much into...snogging."

Rose nodded with a laugh. "That's how some couples are. Always snogging."

"I don't ever see you snogging someone." Kira said, completely unabashed.

"Kira!" Rose hissed, lowly.

"What? I've haz heard ze rumors about you and Scorpius Malfoy."

Rose paled a bit, thinking about last night. Scopius's pink lips on hers, his nice shoulders relaxed under her hands, his hands on her waist holding them close.


She was pulled out of her reverie by Kira and she focused on her friend again. "I need to talk to you in private. Don't need it going around school."

Kira nodded and followed Rose out of the Great Hall.

"What's wrong Rose?"

"Nothing's wrong. Or maybe something is." Rose said, running bother her hands through her hair as she paced in a circle once. "I snogged Scorpius Malfoy in the Quidditch pitch last night. When my house was celebrating. There was butterbeer in my hair I felt half deaf and he said I smelled nice then we just started snogging!"

Kira only raised and eyebrow and laughed behind her hand.

Rose gave her a look, "What?"

"You two zeem to fancy each ozer too much."

Rose was about to argue when Scorpius walked by with Ivan and Hope.

"what are you looking at Half-breed?" Hope taunted, her arm curled around Scorpius's.

Rose looked to Scorpius, watching his flippant attitude. She looked back to Hope. Hope didn't know about last night. And it seemed Scorpius didn't care like she thought he did. "Nothing." Rose said softly.

"Good." Hope snorted as she lead Scorpius and Ivan away and towards Care of Magical Creatures.

"Obviously he doesn't care for me Kira." Rose said as they followed their classmates to Hagrid's class.

Kira gave her an sympathetic pat on the shoulder before leaving to go stand near the other Slytherins.

~Herbology, later that day~

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