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Ebony Latimore

I was laying in my room of my apartment that Rymia and I shared. Taking a break from packing my suitcase. It's funny that you would've thought after college, we wouldn't be living together. But it just happened, I moved in with her. And I pay half of the rent, she pays the other half. I was on my phone, scrolling through my Instagram. I was tagged in a photo, it was a group photo at the protest. I decided to comment,

"Omg we look so young!!"

I analyze the picture, it was Hunter, Rymia, Dom, Sophia, Darius, me, and.. him. We were all hugged up in the photo, "Ugh," I sighed.

I tapped on the photo, and I noticed Instagram unblocked him. Ain't that something..

I had a urge of interest to scroll through his Instagram. And what the kids call it lurking. I fought the urge, because honestly I don't care about them. I know it's been pretty much 3 years, but it feels like yesterday.

I remember 2015, I ended up running into him. When I was visiting California to see Ella. It was the "Straight Outta Compton" premiere. I was there because Ella's boyfriend John have connections in Hollywood.

But when I saw him, he thought Ella was me because we look a lot alike. He knew it wasn't me, he saw me standing next to her. And he was looking at me, like he wanted to speak. He smiled at me, I pretend to not noticed him because why. I'm not about to say anything to you, I kind of felt bad, but the pain is still present.

My phone started ringing, it was Kofi. I was hesitant to answer it, because I was kind of nervous. But I answered it, "Hey.." I greeted.

"Hey Eb, you ready for California?"

"I'm so/so."

"You're so/so," He chuckled "I can't wait to see you,"

Every since Kofi and I met, he's been shyly flirting with me. I knew he had a crush on me, it was very apparent. Kofi is very much handsome, Kofi is African without the American. He has beautiful dark skin, he has a nice haircut. With a beard I might add, usually I'm not attracted to guys with a beard but him it fits. He also has a beautiful smile, that can win over any woman.

"I can't wait too see you too," I laughed nervously

He chuckled, "I heard about the show, getting a season 2.." I asked

"It is, I'm pretty excited."

"I bet you are, this is going to be a big year for you."

"Thank you,"

"So.. Did you hear about that party in L.A?" Kofi asked"I did, I think I might check it out. What about you?"


Definitely No

"I don't really know. I have extremely bad luck with parties.. It's just not my cup of tea,"

"That's fine. But I hope you could be there. So if you make the decision to go let me know," He said with a smoothing tone

"I-I- will let you know Kofi," I awkwardly chuckled. "I'll talk to you later.."

"Alright, I hope you call me back." He responded

"I will, I will. Bye Kof,"

"Bye Eb,"

I hung up, and I smiled at my phone. Kofi is my friend, and I really appreciate him as a friend. He has such good energy, he's super intelligent. Just a great person in all.

My phone started ringing, it was Rymia. I answered my phone, "Hello"

"Hey Ebony," Rymia greeted. "Hey Ebbbbbb!" I heard Booboo yelled.

"Hey," I respond. Booboo is Rymia's boyfriend. She met him through Hunter, they hit it off automatically. Booboo aka Nelis is Asian, Caucasian, and Native American. He's definitely a character,

"How's South America?" I asked

"It's so beautiful, the aesthetic, the scenery. It's all just beautiful,"

"I'm sure it is,"

"I heard about L.A. Are you excited?"

"Yes I am, it's going to be refreshing getting out of D.C."

"Tell me about it," Rymia agreed

"Did you see that picture Hunter posted?"

"Of course. I can't believe that picture is 3 years old,"

"It is,"

"Everyone commented. Even Keith,"

"Oh he did?"

"Yup. I think he said 'Good times' with dot dot,"

I opened Instagram, and I looked at that photo and the comments. I saw his comment

"Good times.."

"I wonder what that means," I said to myself

"I don't know. But I see you're getting cozy with Kofi,"

I started laughing, "Me and Kofi? No."

"It's obvious. Now Ebony, we all see that you like Kofi as much as he likes you."

"It's definitely not like that,"

Well I think,

"Did you call him?"


"No. He called me,"

"Ebony Latimore, he literally wants to drink you're bath water."

That wouldn't be to bad

"Yeah whatever."

"Mhm, I sense denial." Rymia responded. I heard Booboo yelled.

"And I sense that, you're Boo is in trouble." I chuckled, at my corny pun.

"Boo just stepped in a ant hill. I have to go. Talk to you later,"

"Okay, bye."


Rymia hung up,

I decided to finish packing my suitcase, I got clothes out of my dresser and begin putting them in my suitcase.

Living alone right now, my best friend is traveling the world. My sister is graduating high school. A lot is happening,

I've been better, taking my medicine normally. I still get depressed. Just not as often, I remember a year ago. I was in a horrible state of health, my anxiety was high. I wasn't sleeping, eating, beyond be stress. It was around that time of my dad's birthday, it was a sad time. I didn't even want to talk to my family or friends.




US |  Sequel to MATCHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora