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Angie POV

No. What the hell. One moment you could having a magical time and the next your life is flipped upside down. I can't believe I
could protect her. I should've went after her. She can't. I can't move. Alex and Paco look inside.
"Shit." Alex says running towards her. I can't believe it. She's on the floor motionless, it's hard to tell who it is, there's blood everywhere. Her hair is all in her face. Alex turns her around and I see her face. I close my eyes. No, it can't be. Why would anyone want to do this to her? When I open my eyes my vision is blurry form tears that are starting to from.
"Look for a pulse." Paco says to Alex. He doesn't move. He looks like he's remembering something. I start looking for a pulse. I can't find one.
"I can't find one." I say to Paco. Tears and rolling down my face. I can't stop them. He picks me up and gives me his phone.
"Call 911." He says to me. I start to dial the number.
Come on.
Please. Please.
"911, what's your emergency?" An operator says.
"Please, help. She not breathing. We need medical emergency. Please hurry."
"What's your location? We will send units to you."
"We are at school. Fremont high. Please hurry. We are in the restroom near the field."
"Calm down. You need to breathe. We are on our way."
"Please, this my best friend. She can't leave me."
"Ms., you need to calm down." I hang up. I can stand someone telling to calm down while my best friend not breathing. Paco is giving her cpr.

"Babe. You can't leave me." I say to hear.
"She's gone." Paco says, while stopping his cpr process.
"No. Babe don't go! Please!" I say pounding on her chest. Please no.
"Babe!" I yell off the top of my lung. I pound on her chest one more time. Paco grabs me and holds me. Tears are coming out really hard and fast.
"She breathing. But hardly." Alex yells at us.
Right then the paramedics come in. They quickly attend to Melody. They start taking her to the truck on a stretcher. I start climbing into the truck when one of the paramedics stop me.

"Only family are allowed."
"I'm her sister." I say to him. He let's me on and tells the guys only family. But that they can visit. Before they close the door I see one of Melody's tios. Why didn't they help her? What's going on? Do they know what happened? I get a text message from an unknown caller Id.

What's going on?
Is Melody in the truck?
Yes. I need answers. Meet me the waiting room. Ik you behind us so don't be late.
Understood. But you have to tell us what happened here and who did it.

Babe everything going to be okay. I start to pray. Hoping what I was telling myself is true. When we get to the hospital they have me wait in the waiting room. When I walk in I see Geo. How he get here before me? Doesn't matter now. I walk up to him and give him a hug and start crying. He rubs my back and tells me everything going to be okay.
"She's a fighter. Trust me. Why do you think her father left. This happened before." He says.
What? She never told me that.

"Now explain what happened." He says looking me in the eye.
"We were looking for her and we walked by the restroom where we heard yells. 'Help. Stop. Help me.' We tried to open the door but it was locked. So we hid behind a bush and waited until the people came out. A gang of guys came out. And Ryan was the last on to get out."
"Ryan? That's the kid that we beat for you two at the library?"
"What." He looks down to the floor. He doesn't want to tell me, "tell me."
"On Melody's 4th Birthday she was taken. Someone stole her, when she went to go open the door. Everyone thought it was her dad," he looks down at the floor as if he could remember it as if it were yesterday, "when she didn't come back. We started yelling where the birthday girl. She hid a lot. She liked playing hide a seek. But when her dad walked in the door, we freaked out. We couldn't believe what happen. Everyone went out looking except for her mom my mom and me. Around 10 pm someone rang the doorbell. I went to go open the door and there was a basket. I dragged it inside the house and told my mom. When she opened it Melody was inside. She was beaten, she had bruises all over, there was blood everywhere. She was barely breathing. My mom and hers took her out the basket and to the hospital. But before we left I saw a note attached to her. I grab it and read it. It said, 'first warning -F'. At the hospital we found out that her rids were broken and they tagged her on the back. How could someone do that to a innocent girl? It took her six months to recover. To learn to breathe on her own. Learn to walk. Learn to run, all over again. Once everyone found out she was okay they left. Her dad, my dad, your dad. Everyone. Needed to get away before another innocent got hurt."

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