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Angie POV

Yeah. I shot Alex and Denilson, IN THE ARM. I would never kill one of my friends. I think Paco knew. But I didn't need him to shoot me. Like this shit painful. He shot me right in the middle of my arm. What type of nigga.
"Angie, are you okay?" One of the guards says picking me up.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just take me to Melody's room." I say. He nods his head. He walks down this hallway and the last door on the left is where she is.

"Babe, why did you come back?" Melody ask me as soon as the guard walks out.
"I didn't want you to die. You almost left me before. I couldn't bear the thought of you dying on my hands." I tell her. I get closer to her bed. She doesn't understand, I can tell she mad. But I couldn't let her die.

2 hours earlier.

"Babe, are you okay?" I tell her. She stars to slowly close her eyes.
"Yeah, we made it out alive." Melody barley makes out. She closes her eyes and I pull over. She's shot in the chest near her arm. She can't. She lost too much blood. She can't she won't.
"Babe!!! Stay with me!!! Please!!!" I yell. I start to put pressure on her wound. We are 1:15 minutes away from her dads warehouse and the closest hospital is 2 hours away. I'm 15 minutes away from my dads warehouse. I have an idea. I drive back to the warehouse as fast as I can.

Once I'm in the parking lot a whole bunch of guys are pointing guns.
"Stop. I'm not here to fight." I say getting out the car while putting my hands in the air.
"I need to talk to my father." I continue.
The guys put the guns down and my father walks out the warehouse.
"I see your friend is shot." He says walking towards the car.
"Yes. Look she needs help and you need a daughter to stand by your side. Help her and I stand with you. Deal." I say sticking my hand out.
"Deal." He says.
A bunch of guys start to move towards the car and take Melody out. She is barely breathing, but her eyes are wide open.
"Let me die. I don't want help from him." She makes out. Babe please don't say that. My eyes are starting to get watery. Even though she says that they help her.

When I find out she's okay the boys came crashing the warehouse. But at a bad time. I was expecting them to come a little later, and not the way they did. But I had to make it look like I actually joined my father side.

Present time

"Stop it." Melody says.
"Stop what?" I ask.
"Stop thinking that everyone thinks your on your dad side. If you were you would've let him killed me. So stop pretending and start telling what we going to do to get out of here." She says looking behind me.
"Nothing. We aren't leaving. I'm here to stay and you, you are my prisoner." I say winking at Melody, cuz I notice as well as she that a guard was coming.
Melody sits up and grabs me and takes the gun from me. She points it to my head and right then the guard walks in.
"Shoot. You have a chance of hitting me or hitting princess here. Hit me congrats. Hit her bye-bye." She says to the guard with a evil smirk.

"Fine. I'll try to aim really well. You know I never missed a shot." He says pointing the guy at us.
"Is that so." Melody says clocking the gun back.
Wait. Bitch. You can't kill him. I see it in her eyes she gunna shoot him.
"Neither have I." She says. Please stop.
"Just listen to her." I say to the guard he nods his head.
"Put the gun down. Good. Now slide it over." Every time she tells him something he obeys. He puts his hands in the air.
"Now you are going to let me go. With her." She says.
"I can't let you." He says.
"Angie, do you want to go with him?" She ask. I nod my head knowing that she trying to make this look real.
"Sorry can't do that." She says. The guy takes a step toward. "Sorry babe." Melody whispers into my ear.
"Aaahhhh! Stop just listen to her!!" I yell as I feel a sharp pain in my arm. Melody just pushed on the spot where I got shot at. The guy stops.

"Aaaahhhh! Please. Stop." I say as my eyes get watery. The pain is really hard to take in. I can't tell whether she really wants to hurt me or not. Her eyes are unreadable. The guard takes a step back and Melody stops. She points the gun at him.
"Bye bye." She says with a smirk. I don't know why but my first instinct is to stop it.
"Nooo..." Bang.
I look around at the guard who is ok. Thank god. No one is hurt. She has this crazy look in her eyes. She's letting out her emotions. I can see them. All of them. Hate, anger, pain, and something else.

Melody's P.O.V

I don't know what's going on with me. I know that I want to get out of here with Angie. I'm not leaving her. But there's this other side of me that saying it's okay to stay here and just make a deal with her dad. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.
"Angie get over here." I hear a demanding voice say near the door. Angie looks up at me.
"Hello, again. You should've let me die." I say.
"Yeah, I would've if Angie didn't care about you so much." Her dad says.
"Don't you wish she didn't. Probably if you didn't leave she wouldn't care about me." I say pointing the gun at him. Angie looks at me.

There it is again. My emotions. They keep changing faster than light. I'm mad. I want him dead. I kill him, that means war between the F gang and my dad's gang. I don't want that but it also means me and Angie are out of here. But I see her and instantly I see I can't do that. I don't know why. But I know it will hurt her.
I start putting the gun down.

"That's right. At least you know you can't kill me. Even if you wanted too." Her dad says with a smirk.
"That's not true."
"Now, since I see you are okay. I'll let you go but here's the catch. You can never look back, never come back."
"Angie and I will be happy to leave and never look back." I say grabbing her arm.
"That's wasn't the deal. You see it was save you, keep her. But I adding a little extra. You can leave without a scratch on your head bf never come back. Angie stays here."
"I rather die." I say getting in his face.
"I knew you say that. But here. You leave now and I'll give you the little girl." He says.
"You killed her." I say.
"Did I? Or if that what I wanted you to think. Here." He raises his hand and two guards come out the girl.
"Take her. Or stay and die." He says pointing a gun at my head.

I look at Angie. She's looking at me. Save a four year old girl or die with her. Easy. If I'm not leaving here with Angie. Then I'm not leaving at all. I guess that means death.
"No." Angie says looking at me. "You don't have a choice you are leaving with that little girl now." She says raising her hand. Two guards carry me out the building and throw me into a van. I was going to get out but someone threw the little girl in here too and I just had to catch her. She really is okay. I set her down gently and try to stop the guy from closing the trunk but too late. I hear the car start and drive off.
"I'm coming back for you Angie. Even if it means I'm going to die." I whisper as the van pulls off. I feel the little girl lean on me. I look at her and she is fast asleep. Angie knew I was willing to risk mine and this girl life. That isn't right. I feel like a horrible person for even think I could risk an innocent girls life. I sit back and rub the girls head.
"I'm sorry." I whisper to her. She shifts and holds on to my leg. "I won't let anything happen to you I promise." I say to her.

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